Author has written 154 stories for War, Religion, Friendship, General, Romance, Family, Life, Young Adult, School, Love, Supernatural, Essay, Spiritual, Fantasy, General, and Fantasy.
Name: Vii Zee...That's all you need to know, folks :P
DOB: 26/03
Nationality: Maltese
I'm a female homo sapiens from Malta, Europe. I find a lot of comfort in writing, it's like my escape. I intend to be a writer in the future, and at the moment I'm studying at the Junior College: A Level English and Biology, Intermediate Level Physics, European History and Philosophy.
I also have a loving boyfriend who I love and care about very very deeply C: My friends mean everything to me, and so does he. Family is important too, but you can't go through teenage life without a friend :) I love them all to pieces, and they know it! xD
I also have really awesome classmates who are a lot like me in a lot of ways. Some of them are really sweet and funny, others are just really artistic and this automatically pulls us together in a way.
My main source of inspiration is my friends and school. I also like to get my inspiration from music, other books, dreams, and the great and awesome Master Shakespeare!! =3. I consider music to be something I can't live without. I have a very mixed up taste and also play the piano. I like to draw anime-/manga-esque stuff.
I'm a Christian, but my views on Religion are different: I don't see why people say that God doesn't love the gays, bisexuals and lesbians too. They are his children too after all! Therefore I have nothing against them, since they are people just like us too!
I hope that you'll read my poems and stuff and like them :) You know the Golden Rule of this Site:
Here's a list of my stories (my poems aren't that important! xD Joke...they are...but stories need more of a description anyways! xD) for you people who want to know :)
13 Short Romance Stories Complete
Written for a friend, for her brithday. 13 short stories about teenage and adult love. Like the love that never dies, a love brought about at the prom, a love made stronger by the colour red, a lover's sacrifice, a lover's final parting, a love started with a simple game of chess, and loads more!
All About Us Complete
You couldn't think about Amy without thinking of Liz. The two were inseparable. But everyone thought their friendship was more than that. Poor girls...they had no idea what they were thinking when they ran away...
Femslash, bit of a crappy ending. Sorry...
Angels In Progress
Ruth was your average seventeen year old, but then she was mysteriously killed. God and Satan both want her on their sides for reasons unknown to her, but for now she has seven weeks to chose who to join. Until then, she must protect her friend and torment her old enemies on Earth, and find out why Satan is so interested in her and her best friend Chloe...
Cheers Complete
The year was 1999. David and his girlfriend were celebrating a new year together. All she wants from him is that he quits smoking, just like he promised her time and time again. All he wants is for her to be near him...
First Date Complete
It's time for their first date. He's scared he'll mess up. She's just happy to be going!
Freedom Complete
For Diego, living in California has always been dangerous. But now that his brother's been killed, he's had enough, and wants to find a way out...
Him and Her In Progress
A set of poems about the most unlikely couple, with the most passionate love. See their lives unfold as they write poems and letters to each other, reminding the world that Love is Pure.
If Found... Complete
I got this idea when both me and my song-writer-friend Cheryl lost our inspiration. She said that if hers was ever found, it would have a dog tag that would have her address written on it. I said that if mine would be found, it would have a dog tag saying to leave it the fuck alone. And this story was born! :D
Like It Or Not In Progress
Fem-slash. We're friends. Of course we are. We've been through so much. But trust me, we're not normal kind of friends. Let's just say we're friends with benefits. Only, we're best friends and we're practically stuck to each other 'til the end of our high school lives, whether I like it or not...
My Brother Complete
Based on a true story about my cousin, who was supposed to be a twin. Andrew and Caleb were twins, but Caleb was a still birth. Years later, Andrew found out that he survived because nature willed it, but still he feels it's his fault. Can he let his demons go?
Perfection and Imperfection Complete
They had been friends ever since they met at the beginning of a long awaited summer. And they just happened to fall in love...One was Perfection herself...the other couldn't believe that someone so perfect loved someone as flawed as her. Based on a dream I had.
Project ZEUS Complete
A one shot. They were six school girls who got kidnapped by the Government one by one, and their genes were tampered with. And now, for some reason, they're regarded as Ancient Greek Myths. But two of them are the most powerful by far...they are Project ZEUS.
Dedicated to my awesome friends in The Shrug Club :D
Russian Roulette Complete
He had nothing to live for anymore. All he had were his friends...
Screaming In Progress/Complete
He stole her innocence, her virtue, her everything. And all she did was scream...couldn't she have at least stopped him? Maybe...if only she had been more strong willed...
Siblings Complete
Oh, how she hated him for leaving her like that! Couldn't he have left with at least a goodbye, like a brother should? But no, he had gone and died...
Tales from God's Book In Progress
A set of poems about different peope from the Bible.
The Dream Existence Complete
Witness a man's dying thoughts as he embarks on a new journey...
The Night-Time Wanderer Complete
He was leaving, even if just for a bit. But before he went, she just wanted to say something to the man who had stolen both her heart and her life...
The Rose Garden Complete
Something me and my friends made up a very long time ago. This is the story of love, and how love caused a War, and how one man could have avoided it if he had just been truthful enough from the start...
Theology of the Hammer Complete
The young vampire, sitting in his house, wonders, thinks, why humans loath them? 'Coz weren't they people just like them, once in their life?
There Is Honor Amongst Thieves In Progress
This is the story of people: the story of how different some are, but how they are connected in more ways than one; the story of how anyone can fall in love; the story of jealousy; the story of searching for where you truly belong; the story of friends; the story of our generation; the story of families; the story of our future; the story of lives...
...It's better than it sounds xD
Tracks Complete
Professor Twain was obsessed with mythology, especially Greek mythology. And he disappeared quite a few years ago. But does anyone know how it really happened...? This story qualified me to the Commonwealth Essay Competition Finals! :D
We Made You Complete
Jacob had everything he ever needed: fame, fortune, all of it! But then he lost the most precious thing in his life, and he had to pay a horrible horrible price to get it back...
Dedicated to a friend, Marilise, who is really patient with me :D She's awesome, and ILoveHer!! :D
Thanks for stopping by my profile! And for reading this...o.O
~Vii Zee~