Author has written 15 stories for Romance, Love, Religion, Family, Life, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and General. Hi! I have a very active imagination, and one that pesters me day in and day out. I try to utilize it the best I can and write unique story plot lines. Although there are some that follow familiar tales; sometimes the classics that enchanted you when you were younger are just too hard to give up. I am actively trying to get published Haven's Demise(Heaven's Deliverance); the reviews and encouragement have been outstanding. I can't stress the pure gratefulness and happiness that I feel whenever someone tells me that they loved my work and would love to see it in stores one day. That is one wish we both definitely share! I work full time, and go to college part time... and still somehow write here some-times! So unfortunately my stories all take a little extra bit to get going. I'm also a pathetic editor (since I'm cramming my writing time into the wee hours of the morning) so I am sorry in advance for any chapter that might have simple mistakes that you can't fathom why I didn't see/fix it. Sorry! I'll get to them one day... (When I get coffee) SIDE NOTE: I allow my friend to use my account for reading other stories, though I am the only author posting under this profile. I say this in case anyone wonders why some review by "Nightingales" are signed Elayne, and some are signed by Kristie (me). No, I don't have a split personality, just a clinger friends whom uses my account to track what she reads. She has reviewed some of my work too, so don't get confused by her name, etc. Please address "Elayne" in any pm's you send, if that's name that was attached to a review you got. Please let me know if you see any of my works on another site, or anywhere else! Stories in order of priority: Haven's Demise Complete. Being Edited; Spelling, grammar, ect. *UPDATE* Being divided into two Books for publishing. Book 1- Haven's Demise Book 2- Heaven's Deliverance Just Smile and Nod Updated. In-complete Project Descent Updated. In-complete Red Moon Updated. In-complete Nightmares of a Setting Sun ON HOLD. In-complete |