Author has written 2 stories for Work, and Fantasy. Name: Suzy Age : 16 Color : Black !! just for the record that's my skin not my fav color ! my fav color is green What I love 2 read : slash ( a lot of it ! ) , romance , humor , fantasy , and slash ! Best story : Now? Undecided. (maybe you should start writing it!) I 'm having struggling alot with literature right now. I hate the usual sappy romance crap. I'm sorry but i've ditched so many stories because they've gotten so...boring. I hate it when i guess an ending and i'm right. With books that I'm reading right now i guess right WAY to many times. If someone can write something funny i could read. Not just the same { guy x girl and guy x guy and dog x buffalo } crap i keep reading on this website! I demand originality, excitement, maybe some intrigue, and a little humor! Is that so hard to ask? geez. I just want to give a shout out to all the authors who have been able to do all those things. ( if i continually update that means i think so) You know what i think! Best Romance Movie: So far? The Princess Bride Best Author (not on fictionpress): Dean Koontz Best Romance Novelist: The Lady Herself - Nora Roberts Cutest Dog: The Bichon Frise Best Pizza Place: Papa Murphey's wow, if anyone gets to the end of this thing. THANKS! I hardly read author's profiles. Send me a message to tell me your updating! Or to just say hi! :) ~Thanks SUZY Q |