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They CALL ME SPENCER!! lol n_n Things you should know about me: I'm really nice and mean(playfully mean) I like to be sarcastic. I take helpfull judgement very well. I like anime, I love music, I listen to everything. My favorite colors: are blue black red green, pruple and gray. I don't like: rude people, people who talk alot, people who think they are better than others and most of all I hate homophobic( I think thats how you spell it) people, I'm not gay put gay people are awsome! This is weird, but interesting! If you can raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed erveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Paste this to your profile if you can read this! MY FAVORITE QUOTE: Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree. all girls copy and paste this to your page ThInGs To PoNdEr: Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin? If you like my stories here I have other stories on Mibba (http:///37145/that was the fisrt site I wrote on so some of my stories or all may be alittle under developed i guess you could say. I ALSO HAVE STORIES UP ON !!! Just ask for it if you want to read the new ones Ive started. Since I've had a complete writers block on these stories I've been writing others. Okay so I've finished thinking and I will be Removing my last remaining story from this site. I'm gonna go in and do some heavy remodeling and then I'm probably going to Post it on another Site, () I'll be sure to let you all know when I put it back up, thats if you even want to read it. |
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