![]() Author has written 2 stories for Horror. Hello, world. I'm Scarlett and I've come to conquer you. Was: Sakura-wolfgirl and ScarlettScaresScarecrows Here's a little bit about me. My name is Scarlett. My age is irrelevant to you. I'm socially awkward but hey, I'm getting there. I could honestly care less about what you think so I don't need to prove myself to anyone. I'm tired of having to please people so I'll say what's on my mind. I highly dislike people with no self-respect, fake people, trendy fucks, people shoving their religions down my throat, and ignorant assholes. I'm just another angry teenager. I'm nothing special. Updates For 2/4/12; Status: I'm thinking up a new story. What Am I listening To Right Now? Decode (Acoustic) by Paramore Current Obsession: Gossip Girl. :3 Story Updates: Behind Closed Doors: Deleted. I want to type it up and post it when I finish so I don't have to feel rushed. Poison: Erm. I don't know. I guess I'll continue it when I finish planning it & stuff. xP For now it's gonna stay that way for a few months. Other Profiles?! :D Twitter: www.twitter.com/#!/xKingOfTheWorld DeviantArt: SakuraWolfGirl Scarlett Solvesherproblemswithachainsaw (c) |