Author has written 6 stories for Romance, Love, Nature, General, and General. Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that I am happy to enter this community of aspiring writers and reviews with advice I will appreciate in every aspect. I'm trying to write something new and innovating, but no luck. Anyways, I will try my best in what I write. What else to write? Hmmm... The typical stuff, I guess. I'm a female, I'm 14, I live in Spain (even if it says 'United States' up there) I like drawing, music, yaoi, writing, manga and anime, and more things. I dislike homophobes, rude people, annying pre-teen girls (yes, i was one, but that was a while ago, people change), people that think they're better than everyone, when they're not, and more things lulz. I have a devART account. Go here -- http:/// if you wanna check me out, I also have a FanFiction account, but I haven't written anything yet. |
Alyn Drasil (21) Dorkie (2) erasmuss (2) | Esquirella (25) Fate Fyre (8) lgandt (4) | Qui (36) Rubadub (0) SerialXLain (4) Sunshine Bear (7) xanthofile (73) |