"You burned in the fire that you started and nothing can save you because you're already damned!" As of today (2-14-13), I have seen three people die in front of my eyes and subsequently be brought back to life. I feel... I am too damn young, to feel so old. My name, age, location, appearance and occupation is no one else's concern but mine. Therefor, keep your questions to yourselves. I am currently writing a novel that is nowhere near finished, so I will be busy for quite a while. I am sorry to take 'Nothing to me' down on hiatus, but I have lost interest in that story and real life is beating me down. Be placated by a one-shot, or don't; your choice. Something else that has come to my attention. Why are perfect, amazing, brilliant stories remaining unfinished or being taken down with little or no explanation? This is becoming such a popular trend that even I myself am guilty. Is it a plague? Virus? Or does the fact that many stories that I (and others) read are so well-written and characterized that we feel inadequate by comparison and subsequently lose interest in our own stories while our self-worth is torn to shreds? How foolish we humans are, how very foolish. Any and all material is copyright protected under the 1967 Copyright Law. Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, or public display of this work is copyright infringement and if found guilty, legal action will be enforced. All work by The Gray Witch (id.679484) is copyright under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Furthermore, Fictionpress offers its authors copyright protection. If anyone takes my work I will find out and I will take legal action. |
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