Author has written 5 stories for Fantasy, and Romance. A few facts about me: I'm a young adult (somewhere between fifteen and twenty-five) but I've only been actually writing down the stories in my head for about a year and a half. I am both a cynic and a hopeless romantic by turns, and it can be rather an uncomfortable combination. I have really, really, REALLY weird tastes when it comes to men. Practically every fictional character that I adore is either really screwy in the head, or they happen to be the bad guy... (Darth Maul from Star Wars, Sir Guy of Gisbourne from the BBC TV series Robin Hood, The Phantom of the Opera from the Phantom of the Opera, etc. as well as way too many book characters...) The rulers of my universe are: My muse, my cat, and my professors, not necessarily in that order. I have way too many writing projects started, and it shames me to admit that I have never yet actually completed a story... I love reviews (who doesn't?) and they generally help me focus on one story (see above). If I get good reviews, and a healthy amount of them, I am far more likely to end up having muse for that particular story, and finding the time to write. NOTE 12/06/10 - Hey people :) My computer files were never recovered, and I still am having issues with my comp (it refuses to play DVDs or connect to my external hard-drive so that I can back up my stories(!!)) but whatever. That's not going to stop me from writing. Last month, I participated in National Novel Writing Month, (a challenge to write a 50,000 word story during the month of November) and I won, sort of. I met the goal of 50k words and earned myself the bragging rights of 'winning' NaNoWriMo, but the story is only about half over...I haven't decided if I'll post that story here or not. It needs some more work, especially on the first chapter (my beginnings are always rough), but that might appear here in a couple months, so keep your eyes pealed for that :) It's a pretty amazing romantic suspense thing... Action, drama, stubborn people, British accents, and a love story. What more could you want? Well... besides chocolate... Stories: Dancing with Fire - This story was started on a sort of role-play story-telling website a few friends and I were writing on, but things between us went poorly and the site died a painful death. I love this story, and the world it's set in, and someday I'll revisit them. It is one of my earliest attempts at writing, and I've certainly improved a TON since I wrote it. Read at your own risk. Perfect Strangers - Again, this one came to life very early on in my writing life, and I'm not proud of a lot of it, but I'm fairly confidant that it's getting better as I get further into it. Parts of it desperately need to be re-written, but I'm endeavoring to finish the story first. I adore the characters in it (even if they need a little more fleshing out) and it's part of a series I'm working on. Yes, dear Nicholas (as well as Chad and Connor) was instrumental in a lot of other as-yet untold tales, which I hope we will be seeing more of. The Fiery One - Oh, it seems like a lifetime ago that I wrote this, truly it does. It has a lot of promise (I think) and I really like how the story is in the middle, I just haven't had the motivation to finish it. Apparently I'm something of a slow writer. The Unseen - This was a role-play a friend and I did, which I re-wrote parts of to make it cough better cough and more readable. There is more of the role-play that I haven't re-done and posted, and if anyone took an interest I would be able to put it up, but it would really take a lot of cajoling to get me to finish the thing. Sorry. Transformation Games - I JUST started this one, and I love it! Toward the middle, it will merge into a story fragment that I've had floating around in my head for years. I have improved a lot technically, and I think this story will help me grow even more. There will be plenty of angst, drama, and romance. It is exactly what the title says - there are (mind) games, and a bloody lot of transformations throughout the story. If you're reading my profile because you've read any of my other works, I highly recommend that you read this one. If you're reading this, but you've never read anything of mine, then this is a wonderful place to start. I'm very excited to have this story to play with. It's going to be fun. |