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Joined 08-09-09, id: 683417, Profile Updated: 06-01-11

Hi :) My name's Nancy and I love reading and writing

Please offer me constructive criticism, thank you :D

If you like my work, please subscribe (:

Also, I don't mind reading your work. Please give me suggestions! Keep me updated if possible!

My Writing:

Un-selfish Love: This is an apocalyptic novel about two children struggling together to survive the chaos of the world

The world is wrenched apart with violence and destruction. Onni's city, Icamera, will not be

spared. Onni, an orphan girl, and finds herself trapped and helpless. She is forced to depend on a Slave, a

strange boy, who is the only one who knows the way to the Safe Haven.

Nobody Understands Me: This is a short story about a werewolf who condemns herself to a life of pain because

she has a heart. I wrote this for a challenge, so please give me advice :) Here is a short excerpt:

"Where should I begin with my twisted life? They always say that you never appreciate something until it's gone,

and I guess that's true. I always used to take my perfect life for granted...wonderful friends, and a mom

that cared for me very much. Then something horrible happened, something that shattered my wonderful life.

The day I transformed into a werewolf was the day when my life changed--entirely. I was a dangerous beast, an

out of control monster"

Queen Size Bed by TheUndomesticGoddess reviews
my dad told me I can't write on any random topic. The topic is "Queen Size Bed." Original and good. RR.
Fiction: Young Adult - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,262 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/11/2009 - Complete