Welcome to the most outrageously ordinary profile page you will ever likely visit!! I have no idea why you're actually here, but I promise you that I will make you feel very welcome for your short stay. I will not bore you with details about my life or lack thereof. Nor will I presume to think you are interested in what books I read or what movies I enjoy. Therefore, I will give you absolutely no details about anything whatsoever. In fact, I am going to do what no one else has ever done before on their profile page; I am going to let you do the work! You can use your imagination and come up with all sorts of details about me and my experiences and pretend they are real. You can make me a secret agent with a doctorate in astronomy who spends his/her spare time writing silly stories on FictionPress. You can pretend that I am in fact a shy teenager with nothing better to do than spend time writing and sharing stories.The best thing about you doing this is that whatever your imagination tells you is real! |