Author has written 2 stories for Romance, and Fantasy. I am first and foremost a dreamer. This is followed closely by my creativity in writing. I have written since I was in fourth grade. I have yet to actually complete a full book, but I have many in different stages of completion. I plan to publish most of those, so the only ones seen here are going to be ones I really don't plan on, or don't think will be good enough for published works. I hope you will read and comment on my stories, below I have left a small synopsis of each book I have on here: Rock-Climber of her Mind: A small short story from a girl's point of view. She has a crush on a boy that barely knows she exists. Rated: K Nothing graphic. Frēond: Catrain is an outlaw of Bruhamoff Forest. Lord Donestan has claimed jurisdiction over the forest, stating that all who live there and are caught, will die. Catrain and her family and friends have been rooted to the forest for to long, they will not move. Donestan is now their enemy, and the Bruhams definitely earn the title outlaw. Catrain, daughter of one of the men on the Council, is happy with her life. However, she doesn't understand the danger of Lord Donestan. Rated: T for language (Mostly Old English cuss words) and some suggestive content. |