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Joined 10-21-09, id: 694429, Profile Updated: 08-30-13
Author has written 6 stories for Sci-Fi, Thriller, Humor, Romance, and Young Adult.

I am using this account to update my first EVER quest to discover the 50,000 word novel inside of me! So, if you have no idea what this is, I suggest clicking this here link:

And now that you've been enlightened, I suggest you check me out (not that way! Get your mind out of the gutter!) on my account which is: http:///eng/user/502640

So, here's the rundown - I will be posting my novel progress HERE. So, if you want to follow me... keep your eyes open, and hope that I survive and come out with my sanity attached!

I KILL U: University of the Assassin Arts

Better title coming soon. :/

On January 26th, 500 students specially selected from all over the continental US recieved one single university acceptence letter in their mail.
On July 10th, 468 of them came to check out the vast campus, the hotel-room dorms, the prestine classrooms, the brilliant professors and friendly upperclassmen.
On August 22nd, 412 returned for their first night, preparing to begin the life they'd never dreamed of, to step out into the world of adulthood, and begin their futures.
However, following their first entrance screening - the Massacre Exam, only 92 of those survived.

They were now trapped inside of the school grounds, struggling for their lives, and for their morals which had all been mercilessly shoved aside as the Assassin Academy began to teach them their lessons. They had no choice. They would walk away murderers. Their only hope for the last bit of humanity was to escape the campus as quickly as possible.
That was also the only way to graduate.

Excerpt: I KILL U (University of Assassin Arts)

“I want to go home,” I told her, pulling up my knees to my face and hugging my legs. “I want to go back.”
“Go back?” she echoed, sounding genuinely startled. “What for? You just got out! You’re out of high school, finally becoming an adult, and you want to go back to your mommy and daddy? Don’t make me laugh, Peter Pan.” She snorted and tossed her hair. “You shouldn’t even be thinking that. And anyway, didn’t you listen? You can’t leave.”
“That’s probably a lie,” I grunted, feeling angry at her for making fun of me. Was she insane? Did she actually want to be here? “I bet if we got together, all of the freshmen, and made a run for it, they wouldn’t be able to stop us.”
At this suggestion, Nora tipped back her chin and laughed loudly. “You’re right, of course,” she chuckled, although it was dry and humorless. “Some of you would definitely get out alive. The ones on the inside of the crowd, that is; the shortest ones. The outside ranks would be riddled with holes. Haven’t you ever heard of snipers?”
I blanched and covered my mouth with my hand, feeling bile rise in my throat. “They wouldn’t!” I gasped.
“Of course they would,” Nora said frankly. “What would stop them? Your heroic aura? Your contagious sense of justice? Your incredible ability to separate the harsh reality of the world from the white-picket fence of the life you’ve lived up until now? Wake up and smell the gun power, Barbie,” she grunted, rapping her knuckles on my forehead. “Your only choice here is simple – to give up and die like a weak coward, or to suck it up and survive. So, which will you chose?”

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The Little Burnt Cellphone by cuddlykittens53 reviews
TJ's friends love him, they want him to be happy. It just isn't possible when his boyfriend Dmitri is constantly abusing him but TJ always wants to see the best in people, even if that means sacrificing himself for the sake of finding that good.
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Angel Actually by Lexan
Isaac Moore seems like your normal nineteen year old teenager. Yet he has a secret, one that's been plauging him since puberty. Something that has him living a paranoid, fear-filled life. Something that eventually finds its way out.
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The Devil Never Sleeps by cuddlykittens53 reviews
The death of Gabriel's best friend when he was fourteen has haunted him for the rest of his life, it doesn't help that the killer was never found. Then one day on his way home from a bar he sees the one person who has haunted his days and nights.
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Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Hellhound reviews
Living in 23rd century Japan, in the post-WWIII world full of murderous, genetically-engineered Mutants is as difficult as it gets. Or at least that's what Sachiko thought until she found out she was about to turn into one. Werewolf, Romance, Adventure.
Fiction: Sci-Fi - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Supernatural - Chapters: 5 - Words: 27,513 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 7/20/2011 - Published: 10/25/2009
Raising Luna reviews
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I KILL U University of the Assassin Arts reviews
Unsuspecting students are lured into what appears to be a flawless University only to be trapped inside of the gated campus, where the teachers train them to become professional assassins. The only way out... is to graduate.
Fiction: Thriller - Rated: M - English - Crime/Adventure - Chapters: 43 - Words: 91,147 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 1/27/2011 - Published: 10/26/2009
Smile reviews
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After the Spanish Sun reviews
A wily, sexual, mildly-dangerous character of Gabriel Hawethorne gets yet another pretty girl into his arms for his stay in Madrid. However, after the Spanish sun sets, they both have to admit that they're more alike than ever... and more incompatible.
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Tory's Observations
A boy embarks on a quest for research about the fighting patterns of his two fathers and ends up with quite a scientific discovery: they're both very silly. And yet there's a small lesson to be learned here, about human conflicts and also familial love.
Fiction: Humor - Rated: K - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,598 - Published: 1/23/2011 - Complete