The manga authors guild
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Joined 12-30-09, id: 704647, Profile Updated: 05-24-10
Author has written 1 story for Manga.

Hello there all, this is a group account for the manga awards website fellow manga writer, Eytha and I are creating. My name is Rayne the writer (or just Rayne..) and right now the holder of this account and the new website that we created..

Manga awards night

Latest news:

(5-24-10): We have finally begun the voting period everyone, Please read and vote for the stories on the C2 we have. You can vote either by PM through me or Eytha; or go on our website and click on the votes in the polls underneath the "Nominees" page

Here are the list of the nominees for the first round of the manga awards

(Best Manga Award)

Kaze: Tale of Winds by SnakeFang
Senji Works by Tedi-Medoru
The Miracles byUlquiorra9000
One Step Ahead The Thief Night by Tedi-Medoru
Shift by Eytha

Shounen Submissions
Kaze: Tale of Winds by SnakeFang
The Miracles byUlquiorra9000
One Step Ahead The Thief Night by Tedi-Medoru
Glass One: Shards to the Wrist by Rayne the writer
Shift by Eytha

Shoujo Submissions
Her First Words by Arisa Hanari
Her Cinderella Story by Tedi-Medoru
Pearls of Everlasting Love by Arisa Hanari
Baby Steps by Arisa Hanari
Shadow Fighter Fumi by Animate84

Seinen Submissions
Flesh is for Gods by Eytha -
Start! by Animate84 -
BRIDE by Psychoblue -
Senji Works by Tedi-Medoru -
The Inner Man by Eytha -

Romance Submissions
Her First Words by Arisa Hanari -
Her Cinderella Story by Tedi-Medoru -
Goubou Doujou Otome by SanjiandSerea -
Your Mine! by Arisa Hanari -
Flesh is for Gods by Eytha -

Action Submission
Kaze: Tale of Winds by SnakeFang
One Step Ahead The Thief Night by Tedi-Medoru
Shift by Eytha
BRIDE by Psychoblue
Sheol by Psychoblue

Comedy Submissions
The Inner Man by Eytha -
Twin Moon by Eytha -
Your Mine! by Arisa Hanari -
Baby Steps by Arisa Hanari -
Her First Words by Arisa Hanari -

Drama Submissions
Flesh is for Gods by Eytha -
Advanced Response Machine Aesir by Eytha -
The Catalyst Rebellion by Julia Lucrezia Hanazono -
LAW: Lust and War by Psychoblue -

Manga award guild reviews
The information for manga writers to come by and enter their stories into a award site for fun and gaining new fans. PLEASE PM US AND GO ON OUR WEBSITE FOR THE COMPLETE INFORMATION!
Fiction: Manga - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 906 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 5/25/2010 - Published: 2/8/2010 - Complete
Manager of:
Community: Manga awards Spring Round
Focus: Fiction Manga