Author has written 12 stories for Nature, Love, Life, Work, and General. im here to flaunt my ,some what,shot through,poetic self.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,''''''',...#'/...,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,..,£"!& and god damn am i proud of it.?..?! read me,read me,read me,... don't read me, don't read me, don't read me,... read me, read me, read me... whatever works for you,any day of the week, im easy like a sunday morning!... moving mahler half explained in a few words;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; im usually well footed on the ground,untill my alter ego straps helium balloons to me!! i have many aims in this life im living right now,but not many goals to achieve, i believe this to be my 3rd mortal life, my c.v--reads; 18th century russian baker ,19th century french scientist,oh and i was an insect for the day,not sure what timezone it was though,insect brains ain't up to much... don't worry onlooker for i am clinically sane...seriously,honest, if you don't believe me ask my imaginary friends!! theres no need for men in white coats over here!!... 21year old skata brain,and continuous dream weaver, left to right field permanent expressionist,not to forget poetry painter, applying my canvas with out of date carpet stainer, thrung from an unused drinks container, got my fingers in pots of paint that i never even knew existed, alone talking up at the sun,im glad to say im not one of those who missed it... A cliche wanderer?? , mad man mahler?, intersteller-nomad ??... a chap to be taken with a pinch of salt? either way you view me and my antics,your all wrong, and so am i,well at times... so... 'same boat' politics i guess applyies... for the record im not usually this dramatic when in person, speaking!!...suppose it depends...;-)... man enough to pour out emotion in my ranting,written or other!! i set myself free along time ago,you see!!... I seem to be obsessed with writting about the moon, stars (no not the bludy A-lister type), mother nature and all her beauty, close and distant brushes with love and emotion,... but now and then other topics do creep their way in... Taking extra care and time constructing my lifes jig-saw,!!it would be just my luck to be missing the last piece on my last it down to chance??that type of stuff though??...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...lifes just playing the waiting game, if treat like a waiting room...obviously...(no words of wisdom)... yes, you may find my punctuation is not entirely up to scratch in places, give me your personal view, i thrive from negative reviews asmuch as i do positive ones...''''''#'#'#--==--=====--===== |
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