![]() Author has written 1 story for Young Adult. misericordia, fortitudo et veritas Compassion, Courage, and Truth. Compassion for those who need it. Courage to stand up for yourself and for others. And To always be Honest, even if it seems like a good idea to lie. Peek Inside me Head, view my thoughts and learn a little about me. o I am a teenage girl born in a non-religious family. I Believe in God. o I am a brunette with brown eyes. I am Half German, Half Chinese. Eurasian. o I enjoy Winter the most out of all the seasons. I love Night more than Day and the Moon more than the Sun. o I absolutely Loathe Summer. It's hot, sticky and extremely easy to get Cancer during this season. o Orange Jasmines are my favourite type of flowers; I love their scent and how cute they look. o There are three Types of people that I absolutely hate wholeheartedly. Liers. I am the type of girl who would rather say nothing at all if it meant that I didn't have to lie. It burns like acid every time I do and it hurts me deeply when My friends lie to me. Blamers. I absolutely despise Blamers. If you can't accept your sins, then don't do them in the first place. I am the type of girl who would confirm her mistakes and apologise instead of looking for the closest person and blaming them for what I did wrong. Back-stabbers. In my opinion, Back-stabbers are the cruelest of them all. You trust them, confide in them and in the end they misuse that trust and shoots you between the eyes. I am the type of girl who would rather a person who slaps me in the face than one who would pay another person to do it for them. o I believe that you should never do anything that can damage a persons trust in you. And you should never accuse someone of something unless you have solid proof. It hurts the most when your own family doesn't believe in what you say. o Whats In the Past Should Stay in the Past. Unless Its Murder. You should never bring up someones past mistakes if they have apologised to you. It makes them resent you if you continuously bring it up. o Parents who use Violence as discipline should be ashamed. Anyone who beat their children deserves to die. I am a child who has been hit with anything and everything solid and can be held in your hands. The Pain of the blow is nothing; it's the person holding the weapon that hurts me the most. Mothers and Dads, There's only one thing that can Scar a child other than Sexual Assault. And that is YOU. Their own parents lifting up a broom handle, belt, newspaper, hands and striking them. It hurts so much that I would bet a majority of the children hit at a young age would be reluctant to hug their parents when older. Try grounding; it's bruise free, tears free and is most likely to work. Take away their computers, phones, TV time and their right to go out with friends. They might resent you then but when their older they'll thank you for never physically hurting them. o I have a horrible temper. I can get so mad, I visibly shake with rage. But after I scream and yell; I calm down. I am a girl who doesn't hold grudges unless I have a very good reason to. o I have a Mushroom phobia. When I was eight or nine, my mother made this horrid murky white mushroom soup. It was the vilest thing I have ever tasted and I threw up almost immediately once It went down my throat. My mother forced me to drink the entire bowl of the crap and I can still remember crying while i drank it; gagging consistently. It was undoubtedly worse than poison. o There are Two things that I am terrified of. Insects. They're horrible creepy crawlers, I can't stand to have them anywhere near me! I'm even afraid of Butterflies and Ladybugs. Loneliness. I can't stand the feeling of being lonely, of course I enjoy living alone...but truly BEING alone and experiencing that emptiness is what I fear the most. Fave Colours: Blue, Purple, Black, Silver My favorite quotes. "You are going to come across a lot of shitty bands and a lot of shitty people. And if anyone of those people calls you names because of what you look like or because they dont accept you for who you are. I want you to look straight at that motherfucker, stick up your middle finger and scream FUCK YOU" - Gerard Way (MCR) "Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive.” - Gerard Way "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things.” - Gerard Way “Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara... I'm a Fuckin princess!” -Gerard Way "People are going to notice his red gleaming homicidal eyes!”- Harry Potter in The Black Bunny by winseeker2305 "Everything here is eatable. I'm eatable, but that my children is called cannibalism and is frowned upon in most societies." "Having the love of your life say you can still be friends is like having your dog die and your mam saying you can still keep it." "Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his Abnormally Large Nose Out of other people's business." "Some people are alive today, simply because it is illegal to kill them" "Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future" If you love someone set them free! If they don't come back hunt them down and kill them. The reason attempted suicide is illegal: The government can't tax you if you're dead. "A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." ~Herm Albright “Yeah I squealed. That's the sound you make when your best friend takes out a gun and stabs you in the back right in front of your eyes!" ~ Shawn, Boy Meets World "Love your enemies! It really pisses them off" "To put it nicely, I hope you choke" "True friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget" All the good ones are either gay, married, or fictional characters in books or movies. If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. "Bowels in or bowels out?" ~Hannibal Lecter "Jesus, Starling, what are you doing sitting in the dark?" ~ Paul Krendler I Cry Out In Vain by Jesse Wintonyk I question your God, my heart, and my soul So why do I cry? If I do not believe Is God just a form of societal ethic? In need of assistance, I cry out in vain please help . . . for I fear I am already slain. My Belief In God. (so shut up of you don't feel the same) I believe in God. I believe in God but I don't believe in all the bullshit concerning religion in society today. Why Categorise my belief? What the fuck is with 'Naming' which God you believe in? Who the fuck cares if your Muslim, Prodestant, Catholic or Buddhist? You. Still. Believe. In. A. Lord. Who. Loves. And. Cares. For. You! I believe in One God. One Lord. One Divine being who Loves me. I believe that being forgiving, honest, compassionate will make my God happy. I believe in being loyal to my friends and lover. I believe in being nice and I think that's all god wanted from his people. Even the bible says 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself' So I won't clasp my hands together and close my eyes with all the other people in public while praying. I won't demean my belief by boasting about how I go to church every Sunday, or stop eat during a specific time of the month. What I'll do is every night before I sleep, I'll close my eyes and say thank you. Thats it. I'll close my eyes and fill my body with sincere gratitude for existing and I'll say two simple words. But you know what? It's not the word thats important. I could make up an entire page full of words of gratitude. What's important is how sincere I am. If All I'm gonna do is give a half hearted Thanks then Why bother? So, When people ask if I have a religion I'll say No. Because I don't. Let them assume I'm Atheist. Let those people assume I'm going to hell, that I'm a Satanist, that I don't deserve living, that I'm rude; arrogant; a lier. That I'm scum. yada yada yada. Because I don't give a shit what THEY think about me. But if someone asks me if I believe in God, I'll turn to them and with as much sincerity as my voice and body will allow me to emit, I'll say "Fuck Yes!" |