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Joined 04-28-10, id: 722720, Profile Updated: 08-29-10
Author has written 1 story for Manga.

Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time period it is! I am Octopus in the Labyrinth, future guitarist for a band! ...Well, I don't know the band name, okay? All I know is I'm planning on a band name like "Squid Chain" or "Octo Frenzy". Anyway, my favorite music artists are Gorillaz, Lady Gaga, Lacuna Coil, Tokio Hotel, Orianthi, P!nk and others. My favorite TV show/s are Teen Cribs and Scare Tactics. My favorite movies vary, but they include "Interview With The Vampire", "Kick-Ass", "Transformers 1&2", The Grudge series, and The Ring series. Mostly, creepy/sc-fi and action stuff. My tracklist is as follows:

1. American Idiot (Green Day)

2. 21 Guns (Green Day)

3. Poker Face (Lady Gaga)

4. Dead Memories (Slipknot)

5. Ready, Set, Go! (Tokio Hotel)

6. Mr. Crowley (Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath(?))

7. Screamin' (Tokio Hotel)

8. Sober (Pink)

9. For Your Entertainment (Adam Lambert)

10. Our Truth (Lacuna Coil)

11. Wave of Anguish (Lacuna Coil)

12. Bad Romance (Lady Gaga)

13. Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath(?))


Ahem... Oh, and let me introduce you to "a friend", the one, the only... Crowley! He's one of the people in my head, and he has magically come to life in one of my sagas, "The Chain of The Octopus" (Well, at least, I'm writing the prologue)

Crowley: Great, you're promoting me? Black Sabbath promoted me enough...

Octopus: Zip it, or I'm going to fry Blanco.

Crowley gasps, runs around in circles, and starts shaking Octopus like hell.


Octopus: Dude, you're a necromancer-- what's the big deal?


Octopus: Ha, Kraken's with Davy. He swore that if Kraken dies, I can kill 'im. He has the che--

Octopus notices Pirates of the Caribbean 3, with Davy's Kraken dead, and Will Turner as the new captain of the flying dutchman. She screams.

Octopus: MY KRAKEN! ...Oh, wait, I sold it to him. Now I have to go to Squidward.

Crowley: OCTO, MAY YOU BURN IN HELL! starts throwing holy water on Octopus

(The end?)

Update: Ahem. Deleted previous story 'cause I wanted to. Anyway, I won't be fooling off that much here anymore, 'cause I'm busy with a manga I'm posting on Smackjeeves. The title? -Death!! (Yes, there is a - before Death)... wish me luck! Hope you dudes/dudettes read it. Meanwhile, I don't know if this is illegal, but please check out the other comics on Smackjeeves. Seriously, they're awesome. :o Echoue Reflexion is on HIATUS until I remember what I was s'pposed to do with it in the Second Chapter (Dang it... Lucifer, Satan, you are seriously DOOMED FOR DOING THIS). Anyway, see you, wouldn't want to be Crowley!!

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