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Author has written 10 stories for Supernatural, Humor, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, and Horror. Update: (26/9/2011) Ok, I'm trying to get myself organised here. I will attempt to keep my three fiction accounts up to date. So I apologise for the large story dump/spam I'm about to do. And, secondly, I have been mulling over the possibility of getting a Twitter account solely for my stories. You know, to inform for updates. It won't be a social account, really, focusing mostly on my stories. I know that some of my readers don't have accounts at FictionPress, Wattpad or Quizilla and are often popping in and out to see if I updated. This way, through Twitter, I can keep myself and my readers up to date. But only if you, the readers, think it would be a good idea and would support me with this. There's no point if no one is going to follow it, is there? I'll stop boring you now. I'd really appreciate your input with this, though. Other accounts: Quizilla: /user/NaturalBornTrouble/profile Wattpad: /user/MelyssaAmethyst Feel free to contact me at any of these sites and if you know of other Fiction sites, please let me know as I would love to get involved with those as well. I really should put something up here, huh? I won’t ramble too much, though. There really isn’t much I want to say about myself. I am a woman who works in the medical industry by translating Medical Terminology. I also have a chronic illness called Fibromyalgia, a form of arthritis that affects my muscles instead of my bones. It leaves me in constant physical pain, though some days are much better than others. So, because of that, most emos and Goths make me laugh as they claim to be in constant pain and that their lives are so dark and dreary. I don’t like reading Het stories as they bore me to tears. It’s over done, the feisty heroine role, in my opinion. I’ve become a bit intolerant toward female characters, I’m afraid, which, I guess, stemmed from my fanfiction days were the dreaded Mary-Sue was in everyone single one of my fandoms. They annoy me greatly. But, don’t be silly, I don’t hate all female characters – just the so-called feisty ones that are really nothing but complete bitches. I’m sure you know what I mean. And, no, the whole Mary Sue thing isn’t the reason why I like to read and write Yaoi. I’ve always been fascinated by men interacting with other men and their relationships toward each other. Friendship or romance, it doesn’t bother me. The bond between male friends, I believe, can be stronger than between women. So, I like to explore that. Besides, with so many scantly dress women on TV and in books these days, why can’t us women have something to goggle at? Hmm? –wink- Stories: With "Mate of the Werewolf" completed, I am now working on my new story "Guardian of Fire Island." It's a mixture of action/fantasy/romance and drama. Oneshots: The only oneshot I have at the moment is "A Lesson for the Home-Wrecker". It's a humorous oneshot with a hint of Yaoi/Boyslove. "My White Knight Is A Cowboy" was intended to be a oneshot, but I've had a couple of readers ask me to continue. So, if you liked this story and want to see more of it, vote in the poll and let me know what you think. |