Author has written 2 stories for Romance. Greetings, people! I am chrissytingting! My name is Christine, if you must know. I have had a strong passion for reading and writing since I was nine years old. Though I wasn't quite able to motivate myself enough to actually finish writing a story when I was younger, I suppose that the past still counts :) My writing is usually darker than most writers, and I also happen to be a lot younger than most writers as well. I certainly hope that my age isn't apparent in my writing, I try my hardest! I haven't really read anything on Fictionpress, but I'm sure that I will sometime. ~~~~~~~~ chrissytingting.elixir@ ~~~~~~~~ My fanfiction account is right here, if you're interested: chrissytingting Author's Notes: I have plans to write a story in the next day or two. A plot came to me in a dream :) |