Rory Pastel
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Joined 10-03-10, id: 746540, Profile Updated: 02-17-11
Author has written 4 stories for Historical, Romance, Fantasy, and General.

I am an introverted invert. I'm an American college student from the south. I have a secret addiction to special kinds of paper and fragment sentences. What more do you need to know? Check out my livejournal at rorypastel (dot) livejournal (dot) com!!

For the curious, my avatar is from one of my favorite web comics, Grayling by Arborwin, which just recently rebooted. It is amazing. You should go read it NOW. You can find it at grayling (dot) arborwin (dot) com. No, I certainly did not draw that. Please don't think I did.

My Stories:

You Won't Be Satisfied - In the summer of 1947, the wealthy Ruth and Robert Bickford die, leaving behind their three children, Rachel, Robert, and Rebecca. When their grandmother decides she's far too old to care for three young children, the siblings are sent to live with their Uncle Bickford, a strange man who lives in a large mansion in the secluded Midwest. But the children quickly discover that they are not to live as adopted children in their uncle's house, but as orphans in his orphanage. Separated by their uncle's strong ideas about gender segregation, the children now have to adapt to their new life in this strange new place on their own, with the exception of their new roommates. Rachel, the uptight, overbearing eldest sister, finds herself paired with the bouncy, exuberant Lucy, who helps get Rachel in touch with her wilder side. Robert, quickly given the moniker "Robber", finds himself rooming with Max, the so-called boss of the boys of the Academy. Max and the boys think they have a thing or two they can teach Robber, but Robber quickly proves that not all rich boys lead sheltered lives. And poor, five-year-old Becky acts as a witness to all of the strange and supernatural going-ons of Bickford Academy. (For the curious, the title of this story comes from a popular song from 1947 by Les Brown titled "You Won't Be Satisfied (Until You Break My Heart)". It's one of my favorite 40's songs.)

The New Kid Wears Leather Pants - Luke is gay. And it's the 80's. And he lives in the deep south. So deep, in fact, that they grow their own food, that his family is run by a patriarchy, that all the roads are named after people he's related to, and that his nearest neighbor is 10 miles away. But that's not a problem. Really, it's not. In one more year, Luke plans to be living far, far away from Providence, preferably somewhere in a big city where he thinks he might meet someone. He knows he has to tell his family he's gay some day, he just always thought that the best day would be one when he wasn't living in his parent's home. But it's easy to pretend to be straight when there's no one around worth being gay for, except that new boy in town, the one living 10 miles down the road? He's worth it. He's worth fighting armies for, or pulling down the moon, or even looking in your grandfather's eyes and saying those words that will change everything.

You Weren't a Choice - Jase has been in love with Cameron for as long as he can remember, but it's never been chick-flick love. The love that Jase has for Cameron is a perverse dark love, one that probably warrants the attention of qualified professionals. But the "love" that Cameron has for Jase is even more demented. What Cameron feels for Jase probably doesn't even fall on the normal spectrum of human emotion. Not the nice one, anyway. If Cameron loves anyone, it's his himself, and Jase is the ever-loyal, ever-kicked dog standing between him and the soccer-ball sized world. Jase's self-destructive love has gone on for a good twenty years, but when Jase finally decides to kick the habit once and for all (not by choice, mind you), the two are stuck together as hero and sidekick in a quest to save the world and fulfill their destiny. As Cameron becomes more and more powerful, that metaphor about the dog and the soccer ball starts to become scarily accurate, especially when Jase learns the real truth about how hard it is to draw a clear line between the heroes and villains. (For the curious: This story probably won't see another update. I put it up because I had it written and I got really sick then went on vacation and it was better than missing an update. Also, for those of you who've played Fable 2, it heavily inspired this story.)

Update Schedule:

I am aiming for weekly updates of something of at least 3,000 words, because 3,000 words is what I consider to be the bare-minimum for a chapter length. If I miss a week, I'll make up for it by adding 1,000 words to the minimum word count for each day missed. For me, since I'm an insane college student, I'm defining weeks as ending on Thursday and starting on Friday. I'm also going to keep a log here of my updates so I can feel all proud of myself, like I'm both an elementary school student getting a gold star AND the teacher giving out the stars. It's awesome. (Note: FP and Word give me different word counts. This saddens me. I bet Word's is better, so I mostly use it.)

10/05/10: First 4 chapters of You Won't Be Satisfied, 3,837 words.

10/10/10: First chapter of The New Kid Wears Leather Pants, 5,112 words.

10/19/10: 5th chapter of You Won't Be Satisfied, 3,843 words.

10/28/10: 2nd chapter of The New Kid Wears Leather Pants, 5,435 words.

11/04/10: 6th chapter of You Won't Be Satisfied, 3,405 words.

11/11/10: 3rd chapter of The New Kid Wears Leather Pants, 6,006 words.

11/15/10: 7th chapter of You Won't Be Satisfied, 3,210 words.

11/25/10: MISS

11/28/10: 4th chapter of The New Kid Wears Leather Pants, 8,082 words (not counting notes)

12/5/10: 8th chapter of You Won't Be Satisfied, 7,653 words.

12/16/10: 9th, 10th, and 11th chapters of You Won't Be Satisfied, 7,811 words

12/23/10: 12th chapter of You Won't Be Satisfied, 3,232 words

12/30/10: 1st chapter of You Weren't a Choice, 5,114 words (not counting notes)

1/6/11: MISS

1/13/11: MISS

1/20/11: MISS

1/27/11: 13th chapter of You Won't Be Satisfied, 4,076 words

2/03/11: MISS

2/10/11: 2nd chapter of You Weren't a Choice, 5,589 words

2/17/11: 3 short stories collected together in Snippet Madness!, 4,194 words

Next week (2/18-2/24): I've been working on this fantastic short story, but the only way I can post it is if I get the two parts that theoretically come before it finished. Here's to hoping, because I really like this short.

Total: -15k

News Section:

Added a debt section. It's the total weeks passed since I started times 3, then that total minus the total number of words I've logged (rounded to the nearest 1k), then that total minus the total number of misses times 7k (because the other 3 are already counted in the total weeks count). That total is the current debt.

Rory Harper's Guide to Mating by Spleentectonics reviews
Slash. When Werewolves like me and you—okay, not you—reach a certain age, the hormones start a ragin'. Kinda like humans, 'cept when we get that special feeling in our pants, our choices become limited to mate or eat someone. And not in the good way.
Fiction: Romance - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Humor - Chapters: 29 - Words: 167,147 - Reviews: 794 - Favs: 824 - Follows: 1,009 - Updated: 6/1/2020 - Published: 12/8/2009
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Snippet Madness!
My short story collection. Hits a variety of topics, from a strange perspective on Hansel and Gretel to living as just a cog in the machine to taking that first step from friendship to something more.
Fiction: General - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,415 - Updated: 4/1/2011 - Published: 2/17/2011
You Won't Be Satisfied reviews
In the summer of 1947, the wealthy Bickford children are orphaned and sent to live with their uncle, but not as his children. Torn apart by walls and radical ideas, the children must learn to live their new lives with the aid of their roommates. slash
Fiction: Historical - Rated: M - English - Horror/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 40,741 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 5 - Updated: 3/24/2011 - Published: 10/5/2010
You Weren't a Choice reviews
If I had been the person who chose the world's next hero, I wouldn't have chose Cameron in a million years. I sure as hell didn't choose him to be the guy I'd be sickly, desperately, fatally in love with. But Cameron was never a choice. M/M slash
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 11,237 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 2/10/2011 - Published: 12/29/2010
The New Kid Wears Leather Pants reviews
Luke is gay. And it's the 80's. And he lives in the deep south. He knows he has to tell his family he's gay someday, but it's easy to pretend you're straight when there's no one around worth being gay for. Except the new kid in leather? He's worth it.
Fiction: Romance - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 27,582 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 11/28/2010 - Published: 10/10/2010