Author has written 1 story for Romance. Hey guys :D My name is Amaka and I am a teenage writer from England. I have an enormous passion for writing (hence the fact that I have decided to create an account on this website) and I hope you all enjoy my stories!! Things I LOVE: Writing- That's pretty self explanatory. I have no idea what I'd do if I wasn't able to write! Musical Theatre- It's a chance for you to perform in front of a load of people which, ultimately, boosts your confidence! Oh, and it's a lot of fun too! Glee- A program filled with comedy, hints of romance and gasps MUSICAL THEATRE! It's absolutely great! Hanging out with friends- Who doesn't like to do this?! Friends (especially mine) are awesome! :) Miley Cyrus- Yeah I know, she hasn't had the best reputation lately but, I've always been a fan of her's so you know... Pasta- The person who invented pasta was a genious. There's so many things you can do with it and it's delicious! Cooking- Ah...the culinary arts. Say no more. Romance cliches- Yeah, they're predictable and often cheesy but that's exactly why I love them! Los Angeles- Although I've never been there before, I love it! If I lived in America, I'd seriously want to live in LA! Things that I HATE: Raw cheese (if that's what you call it)- It's disgusting and it makes me want to throw up. Cheese must be melted before it goes anywhere near my mouth! Chocolate mixed with orange/mint- Why oh why would you do it?! Take Jaffa Cakes for example; they're absolutely revolting! Sad things- I'm generally a happy person so it's not really surprising for me to say that I hate all things sad and sombre. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Please read and review my stories! 23.09.11 Hi guys! I just thought that I should leave you all a message to tell you that I'm still alive! Okay, here's for the (lame) excuse: I haven't updated in a while (okay...3 months...) and that's not because I'm not going to finish A Not So Royal Princess, it's because my laptop stopped working properly for ages and so I couldn't write or update. HOWEVER... I am ABSOLUTELY determined to update by the middle of October so (hopefully) you should all be getting an update soon. Umm...what else...oh yeah- thank you all so much for supporting me through this rather loooong journey- I love you all! -Amaka :) x |