Person You Don't Know
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Joined 12-06-10, id: 755069, Profile Updated: 08-01-11
Author has written 1 story for Mystery.

You shouldn't read my stories if you don't like dumb ones. If you don't like dumb ones, but read my stories anyway, you can critisize. Jusst don't expect a reply.

A note to the millions of haters out there:

I'm bunt. I'm candid. I'm frank. I'm up in your face. If you don't like it, do me a favor, and please don't reply to me. Not only will you have wasted you're time, you'll have given me the attention you probably think I neither deserve nor need. If you are petty enough to reply to me in anger, than its your own fault that you've made my day.

I am sorry to everyone who thinks I am trying to hurt their feelings, because I am not. I am just speaking my mind--a mind that has no knowledge of urbane manner but a rashness that most people mistake for an uncivilized senselessness that only finds itself inhabitated within a jerk or a flaming instigator that I am not. I hope you keep this in mind. But if you don't, its not life threatening--just very bothersome on your part and meaningless to me.

My philosiphy: (which most people find very controversial, but the lesser crowd including me finds completely logical, keeping in mind that logical in most cases is in no way equivilant to sensible)

Critism isn't equivilant to kindness and kind isn't equivilant to truthful.

Blunt isn't equivilant to abusive, and abusing isn't equivilant to enlightening.

So leave me alone if you think otherwise.

Remember Me reviews
Bright flashing lights erupted, engulfing the narrow alley like a storm. She grimaced painfully. Blood would be shed and tears would spilt, but would death take her as its victim?
Fiction: Mystery - Rated: T - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 22 - Reviews: 5 - Published: 12/20/2010 - Complete