Aqua Echo
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Joined 12-26-10, id: 757690, Profile Updated: 12-30-10
Author has written 1 story for Manga.

There isn't one person here. THERE ARE TWO! 8D (Echo:Yes,yes,Aqua wrote description and I am adding my comments because I can D)

Okay, so the two of us are twins! Well… We're actually Best Friends, that think of themselves as twins, because we're just so much alike. (Echo:We should be ACTUALLY born on the same day,but I was early and Aqua was late.Don't ask how we met each 's shameful xD)

So… We have an older sister (since we're twins we share siblings, right? :3), and a little brtoher, we like to call Lambo XD And, yes, he's VERY annoying…

So. I'm Aqua, and my twinnie is Echo! (Since Echo is lazy I have to make our profile look nice..)

So, I'm (Aqua, yes) sometimes nice, but most of the time, I'm SO evil you could think I'm a demon. Well I am, but I can be nice to people too, so you better get along with me XD

I love chocolate, anime, manga, drawing, yaoi, writing stuff down, and most important… PINEAPPLES! (AND MARSHMELLOWS) (Echo:Didn't know you became Byakuran fan,imouto-sama D)

Like I said before, I'm a demon, so if you say you don't like Pineapples I'll hate you forever _


That's it for me, thank you very much…

And now for my Echo-chan.

She's always a devil, but also much easir to befriend… She's also very special… I don't think she ever did her math homework, and she's REALLY cool…

She likes the same stuff as me… Well… Maybe she wouldn't kill if you would say you don't like pineapples, but come on, it's the same XD She's also a very big fan of yaoi, so when reading the parts of story she wrote down, please people, DON'T be alarmed XD (Echo:WUT xD All lies!And you forgot to add that I cosplay! ZHE HORROR!)

And she hates everything (maybe not me)

Should I say anything else? ( should add that your English spelling is terrible and that you write 'because' like that--beacuse xD Also,your 'before' somehow becomes beafore xD So I am editor since my English is little better (because (!) I hang with people who always speak and write english,eheheheh)

I'm sure that if you would read out stories, you would very much enjoy them... And please review XD (Echo: ...and I will be good girl and review back :3)

Okay, so since my twinnie pisses me off I'm going to add something... IT'S AMAZING HOW YOU ALWAYS FORGET TO ADD A OR THE!

Dream Diary reviews
Suiiki - normal girl. Nikki - human in war between humans and angels&demons. Their connection is dream. Once one awakens,other falls asleep.The share the same mind. But connection is fragile. What will happen,if it falls apart? R&R please,will R&R bac
Fiction: Manga - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,785 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 1/6/2011 - Published: 12/30/2010