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Author has written 12 stories for Romance, Historical, Kids, and General. Author of historical fiction under the pen name Elisabeth Hobbes. Works published by Harlequin Mills & Boon are: Falling for Her Captor Oct 2014 A Wager for the Widow July 2015 The Blacksmith's Wife May 2016 The Saxon Outlaw's Revenge December 2016 Redeeming the Rogue Knight August 2017 Beguiled by the Forbidden Knight June 2018 I grew up in York where I spent most of my teenage years wandering around the city looking for a handsome Roman or Viking to sweep me off my feet. Inspired by this I studied Classics, History and English to A-level then read History and Art History at university before venturing into the world of teaching. These days I hold down jobs as a teacher and mum. When I'm not writing, I spend a lot of my spare time reading and have become something of a pro at cooking one-handed while holding a book! I'm less successful at vacuuming ditto and would like to publically apologise to my husband for the dust. Aside from writing, my hobbies include skiing, Arabic dance, fencing and exploring dreadful tourist attractions, none of which has made it into a story yet. I love historical fiction and have a fondness for dark haired, bearded heroes. I live in Cheshire, UK with my husband, two young children and two cats with ridiculous names. |