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Joined 06-07-01, id: 77862
Author has written 3 stories for General, and Fantasy.
Megan a.k.a. Marillawen: Hi! My name's Megan, but yo can call me Marillawen. Why? Well, see, my real name means pearl, and 'marilla' is Quenya Elvish for pearl, and '-wen' is the feminine Elvish suffix that went best (Marillaiel and Marillaien are mouthfuls!). Anyway, I have an obsession with Elves - I've got Legolas from Lord of the Rings to thank for that - and I plan on writing an original fiction that has to do with Elves, just because they rule! The only problem is that I have to come up with a storyline ^_^;; Lol, that might help, you know, just a bit.
OP: *pulls a mallet from hammerspace and hits Marillawen with it* Okay, everyone's tired of listening to you babble. My turn. Anyway, my name is Oralixa Pandora. You can call me OP for short. That's all you can call me for short. Call me anything other than Oralixa Pandora or OP, and you won't live to see the end of the world.
Tirialth: OP, they're probably not going to live to see the end of the world anyway.
OP: Oh. *blinks* Oh yeah! Okay, you won't live to see your next birthday. How's that? That one works, since everyone has birthdays, at least as far as I know. Anyway, I live in Megan's-
Marillawen: Marillawen's!
OP: *rolls eyes* Marillawen's head, along with Bob and Tirialth. I am probably the most sane of the three of us. Tirialth tends to go a little psychotic on people who piss her off (a little psychotic being chasing people down with her bow and arrow, or whacking them over the head so hard they pass out) and she'll chase after any hot guy who asks her for the time.
Tirialth: I do not!
Random hot guy: *walks up to Tirialth* Excuse me, do you have the time?
Tirialth: Uh... yeah... it's, uh... um... 12:19! There we go. Yeah. *giggles nervously* 12:19.
RHG: Thanks. *walks off*
OP: Now watch. She's gonna run after him.
Tirialth: *face is turning red with trying to stay in one spot*
OP: She'll be out of here in 5 seconds. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Tirialth: *takes off like a rocket* Wait! What's your name?
OP: *smirks* Toldja. Well, since Tirialth can't really introduce herself, I'll have to do it. Tirialth is the newest of Megan's... head people. She's an Elf. She's also an incredible archer, though she tends to kind of use her skills the wrong way - she shoots at anyone who looks cross-eyes at her. She's got a very short temper. If she doesn't have her bow with her, which isn't very often (I think it's attached to her hand) she hits people with her arrows. Anyway, Marillawen does have one last person in her head, Bob, but you DON'T want to meet him. I'm serious. He's Mari jacked up on caffiene and sharpie markers. If you've never seen that before, believe me, it's NOT a pretty sight.
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The Demon Bonds Book 1: Released reviews
Ialia, a skilled archer elf, accidentally shoots a human boy in the woods. She begins to fall in love with him, but then finds that he is not what he seems....
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,453 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 1 - Published: 12/12/2002
In Love reviews
Something I wrote about the guy I like when I was in a sappy mood.
Poetry: General - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 239 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 10/3/2002
The Poem About Nothing reviews
I wrote this one day when I was bored. It's just a silly little poem. r&r.
Poetry: General - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 222 - Reviews: 4 - Published: 7/6/2001