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Joined 06-26-11, id: 783277, Profile Updated: 08-18-13
Author has written 1 story for Fantasy.

Info about me:

Name: We're gonna stick with Vampy ;P
Gender: Female (yay!)
Eye colour:
Weird mix between green and blue, but mostly green (with orange around the pupil.)
Hair colour:
Natural red-head for the win!

Other Stuff: I'm sort of (very) obsessed with vampires and anything supernatural - hence the name :D. I love the rain and walking around the countryside, especially when it starts to get dark, but that doesn't mean I hate the sun. I love to draw and I'm steadily improving on my previously zero skill level. I blush at the most stupid times and I really hate wasps. I can't stand it when people are hypocritical or when they are condescending when they themselves haven't got a clue about they're talking about. Someday I'd like to find out what my blood type is and give blood - but that'll have to wait until I'm brave enough :S. I currently have an ongoing writing project which I hope, one day, will be published.

Well, that was short and sweet and...not all

Where you can find me:

deviantArt: http:///

email: vampy27@

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Gunnar wakes up in his dorm room on a Friday in April and notices three things in rapid succession. The most pressing is a text message that says "God, my ass hurts. I can't even sit down properly. Cheers to you. Coffee @ 1?" M/M slash.
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Supernatural Inc reviews
When Laec Godras, supernatural ass-kicker, is asked to kill a priority target - a powerful, sadistic vampire that's killed everyone that's gone after him - he doesn't expect to last long. The vampire, however, has other ideas... Warning: MxM
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 84,962 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 159 - Follows: 96 - Updated: 9/24/2012 - Published: 6/28/2011 - Complete