![]() Author has written 30 stories for Young Adult, Mythology, General, Romance, Humor, Supernatural, Fantasy, and Family. Hello. I keep trying to make new profiles, but I can't seem to do it. Especially since my old one is good already. Another reason is because I keep trying to update it when I'm at school, so I usually don't get around to it, and then X it out. But since I have nothing better to do, I'll give it another shot. But don't be surprised if you see some of the same stuff. I'm mostly just cleaning up unnecessary things. Such as stories I've deleted. I'm going to try new things when it comes to my stories. Much like my sister, I thought it would be funny to talk to them. So instead of putting their description, I will put a Q and A with my characters. I mean, you don't really need the summary of a story, when it's right at the bottom of the page. But I am considering replacing the one's I have with the old ones. Now, onto the stories: Would I Rather? First Question: If you could describe your personality, how would you? Lucius- Paranoid of everyone and everything. Miranda- Wow, I'm surprised. You actually answered honestly. Anyway, I would describe myself as loving and caring, but maybe a little too self absorbed. Because if you don't tell me something, I won't notice it. Ellie- Isn't that called obliviousness? But as for me, I would say that I am a loving mother type person. Aimee- I couldn't agree more. As for me, I think of myself also like a mother, but the mother who would smack you upside the head if you did something stupid. So I guess, the strict mother. Lucius- Couldn't be more wrong. Isotope- I would say that I am a really protective person, but is so focused on others, that I forget to focus on myself. Gina- I agree. Now, about me...hmm...I guess I would say that I am the one in the group who is always willing to listen to what you have to say. Miranda- Aren't we all like that? Gina- Yes, but I'm more so than you guys. Nathaniel- I would have to say that I like the things I like, and if I like you, I am possessive over you. If I do not like you, I don't talk to you. *Pats Lucius on the head* Second Question: Would you rather just an over sized sweat shirt, and nothing else, or just a pair of pants and nothing else? Lucius-...no, just no. Gale- Pants. Because I look sexy in pants. Mindy- Pants. Because if I was just going commando, with just a shirt, it might give people the wrong impression. Gale- Yeah, it would certainly give me the wrong impression. Mindy- See. Evan- Just an over sized sweatshirt. *All of them imagine him in just an over sized sweatshirt* Lucius- Dammit, why'd you make me think of that?! Gale- Gross! Mindy- Hmm... Gale- Mindy! Mindy- I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding! God of Tricks First Question: What's your favorite color? Icarus- Wow...you really couldn't have thought of a more creative question? It's okay, I guess...but wow. T.R.- You didn't answer the question at all. Anyway, my favorite color is white. Icarus- White is a shade. T.R.- *Glares at Icarus* I'm not gonna get into this with you. Dionysus- *Snorts* Second question- How do you imagine your deaths? Icarus- Well, I'm actually hoping to become immortal, so... T.R.- I'm already immortal, so... Dionysus- *Snorts* (Just so you know, Dionysus is immortal) You're my baby First Question: Who do you hate most in the world? Leah- Probably Walter. Sapphire- Wow, you answered so fast! Anyway for me, I'd have to say...Danny. Garret- Who's Danny? Ash- *Giggles* Second Question: Who are you in love with? Leah- Um...*thinks about Roger* No one! Sapphire- Um...*thinks about Leah* Me neither! Garret- Oh, um...*also thinks about Leah* Me, three! Ash- *Giggles* Clarence- I didn't miss the Q and A, did I? Roger- Please tell me we didn't miss it. Garret- Trust me, you didn't miss much. Me- Hey! Project FT First Question: Do you ever want to get married? Humpty- I've known that I'd have to get married since birth. It's not really A question of whether I want it or not. Kaido- Um..I thought I was asexual before meeting my little werewolf, so I guess I've never really thought about it. But if I had to choose...um...well... Humpty- You're taking too long! Moonue- My true love is dead, so I'm kind of angry that you asked in the first place. Alice- *Embaressed* Um...I don't know..maybe..*blushes* Me- *Sees how excited Alice is, and cringes* Ooh, that's too bad. Second Question: Sex or Cuddling? Humpty- I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D ASK THAT QUESTION! YOU'RE TERRIBLE! Kaido- Um... Humpty- You better say cuddling! Moonue- Yeah, my lover, STILL DEAD! But thanks for asking anyway. Alice- SEX! *Everyone looks at her* Alice- What? Just Flip the Switch First Question: If you could only say one word for the rest of your life, what would it be? S- Hello. At least I'd be able to meet new people. Bougue- Damn, is there a reason you gave US the hard question? But if I had to choose...pizza. At least I could always ask people to get me food. S- Actually, if you always said pizza, they probably wouldn't know when you wanted. You know, since you're always saying it, and all. Dia- George. Because I could get some weird stares. Bougue- Unless you were calling out to someone named George. Second Question: What's your favorite Holiday? S- Okay, I see you didn't really want to put that much effort into our second question. But anyway, my fave holiday is Sing a Long Day. Bougue- That's not a holiday. What is that even? S- I don't know why I said that. I don't even remember something called Sing a Long day. Dia- That's weird. Allan- *Peeks out from behind a door* My favorite is Sing a Long Day, as well. First Words First Question: If you could be anything in the entire world, what would it be? Carter- A cat. I'd get treated like loyalty, and I don't have any responsibilities. Gideon- Unless you were a street cat. Which I think you'd be. Carter- You just have to ruin everything I love, don't you? Dolly- Um, boys. I'm pretty sure the question wanted to know what you wanted to be when you grow up. You know, like an ocupation? Carter- Well, the question should have been more specific. Question- *Gives look of disgusted offence* Marley- I want to be the first man on Mars! He who shall not be named- Um...okay... Second Question: Cats or dogs? Carter- Is there a reason your second question always suck? Icarus- Actually, it was my first question that sucked. Me- Icarus! Get back to your own universe! *pushes Icarus into his story* Gideon- Dog. Dolly- You don't want to elaborate, honey? Gideon- Nope. Marley- Cat. They're just so intelligent. He who shall not be named- Actually, dogs are better than cats. For many reasons. Such as- Marley- *Heated glare* He who shall not be named- Um..never mind...but dogs are still better. Slug Creature- *Pops its head out of the ground* Gideon- *Runs over to it* Guys, it's the slug creature, look! *Everyone rolls their eyes* Some Nights First Question: If you could change anything in the whole world, what would it be? Edward- Really? You ask THAT question! JUST GO AND READ MY STORY, AND YOU'LL KNOW MY ANSWER! Louis- *Runs over to Edward, and hugs him* It's okay. It's okay. Simon- Getting arrested. *Louis and Edward stare at him* Simon- Actually, never mind. I just realized that if I never got arrested, I never would have met Lokni. So scratch that. Second Question: What's your description of the perfect day? Edward- Hanging out with Simon, and then hanging out with Louis. Louis- Every day is perfect as long as Edward is around me. Simon- Probably visiting my prison friends, and then hanging out with Edward. Then, I'd finish the day hanging out with Lokni. To me, that's the perfect day. *Louis and Edward stare at him* Unwanted Reality First Question: If you could name your child anything, what would it be? Jade- Really? We're in this situation, and you ask THAT question? If you can't tell, we're kind of busy dealing with other stuff right now. John- Yeah, I hear the questions are getting more and more sadistic. Lucy- Esmeralda. Sydney- *Crying, his face buried in his knees* Second Question: Would you rather talk non stop for the rest of your life, or never talk again? Jade- Um..I guess I would rather always talk. I may not look it, but I'm a talker. John- You're right. You don't look it all. Lucy- I would talk all the time. At least I wouldn't be coughing. *Coughs* Sydney- I would never talk again. I could always just write what I wanted to say. Talking all the time would be annoying. Love-o-Lantern Since this is only a one shot, it only gets one Question. Prinmick- That's messed up. First Question: Which is more important? Love or Intelligence? Lantern- Love! My love for Jay is the most important thing to me! Jay- *Blushes at what Lantern said* Um..love, definitely. Chloe- Love. Things can survive without being smart. Nothing can live without love. Prinmick- Cells can. Allien- Love, probably. Because if you can love, than you're intelligent. Prinmick- Intelligence...What? They all said love. There has to be some intelligence in the world. Not Valentines Day First Question: When was the first time you met your truly beloved? Teddy- It was when I was ten. I was mad, and threw a rock. But it ended up hitting Jack's head. Jack- The first time I met my beloved is when I watched him from the trees. Teddy- * Looks at Jack in shock* You watched me from a tree? You pervert! Ms. Flow- I met my true love when he walked through my classroom door. Teddy- *Glares at her because he thinks that she's talking about Jack* Not Really Cinderella First Question: Singing or Dancing? Coelum- Singing. It's like a whole world is created whenever a new song is made. Serena- *Blushes* Dancing. George- Both. Xavier- *Mews* Alright, I think I'm all done! With the Q and A, I mean. I hoped you guys liked it. I actually spent an hour making it. I'm sorry I'm so sadistic. Some of my questions were pretty messed up. But, oh well! Before I move on, I would like to thank you all for reading my stories in the first place. I also suggest you read the stories in my favorites. They're good. I'm sure you can tell by the way I Favorited them. Next, I will describe my specific rules of writing. The list probably won't be too long, and I'm sure most of my rules relate to other writers as well, but I'm just telling you all what I consider when making a story. My Rules of Writing- 1. The more I love a character, the more likely they will die. 2. Is my story going to be MxM? 3. How will my main characters act, and what will happen later in the story? Dang, I can't think of any other Rules of Writing. But if I come up with any more I'll just add them in later. Anyway, I would also like to mention that I have had a long run on fictionpress, and I won't be giving it up any time soon. But, if I finish all my stories and can't think of anymore, then I'll probably stop writing on this website. But I think I'll be fine. I'm always coming up with new ideas, and what not. I'm probably going to finish 'You're my baby" very soon. But not because I hate it. But because I really want to write its sequel, and I can't wait. So, there you go. That's all I have to say for now. So, bye bye!! |