Author has written 1 story for War. "According to the Red Book of Westmarch, in Middle-earth, chichiri was a Forgotten Wood-Elf" name generator heh.. go figure :/ I heart Chichiri... that sexy monk. I suppose an introduction is in order.. If you're bored enough to have come here to read my bio, I feel obliged to give you one... But whatever I type in this given space really shouldn't matter since there is hardly any way of telling that it's even true. For instance, I could say that I'm a 5'6" tall 80 lb. blonde bombshell with sparkling blue eyes who models for Victoria's Secret in my free time; in reality I turn out to be a middle-aged balding fat man in a kilt, wallowing in my own filth, who collects squirrels for a living, calling them my "precious babies" and chucking them at children who dare pass into my line of vision. Scared yet? ;) Okay, so are you ready for (what I'm claiming to be) the cold hard truth? My name is apparently incredibly hard to pronounce (for being only two syllables? composed of monosyllabic English words??) so people just call me Joy. Jyote (actually Jote, but it was taken. muh.) is a nickname I was given in middle school, and has apparently still stuck around. I am a female who looks far younger than she actually is, but is in fact far older than she actually acts. I am Asian. I am short. I am skinny. I do not wear school girl outfits. I live on an island off the East Coast of the US of A, amongst a population of just about 8 million (just try and find me). I have an incredible knack for tripping over invisible objects (or my own feet) and falling either flat on my face, or on my bum (or in one case, on my face into other people's bums. that was embarrassing). I can do the frug. I can do the robocop. I can do the freddie. I cannot do the smurf. I haven't written anything decent in ages and ages. Most of my older works, I'm not particularly fond of. And so my page is rather deprived at the moment. I also have a fanfiction account, which is equally neglected. |