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Joined 08-06-11, id: 792111, Profile Updated: 03-08-12
Author has written 10 stories for Fantasy, General, Love, Song, Life, and Romance.

My name is...well, you can call me Stormy
As for how old I am, I am 19 years of age.
I am obviously female, because what boy in their right mind would name themselves Infinite Dream Dance? Or Lilu, for that matter.
And as it has been proven already, I am a bit of a smart-mouth. I am very LOUD about my opinions, and I have no desire to deal with whiney, pouty, people who can't deal with my attitude. Don't like it? Get lost. ^_^

I tend to get a bit bitchy and excitable over things I feel strongly about. Please let me inform you that I can be pleasant and charming as well. I do not want to scare anyone away. (This comes from my best friend, Self informing me that she was TERRIFIED by my profile, and advised me to revise it. But I can't just revise everything about myself, and so I post this little note.) And I regret if I have ever made someone uncomfortable, but I DO tend to tell things like they are, or at least how I see them. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please enjoy my profile, and my stories and art as well.

My DeviantArt account, StarryNinjaFox, as well as my YouTube account by the same name, and my and FictionPress accounts by the name of MugenYumeDansu, are all connected. I can be contacted through all of them, so please check me out where-ever I may be, ;D

I write for fun, and as therapy, to take off the edge of a bad day. I draw too, for the same reasons. I am not into the habit of posting constantly, in fact I rarely post, mainly because I am either too busy, or I haven't finished anything good in a while.

I feel strongly about homosexuality, and I support it. I also feel strongly about the freedom to speak my mind. I am a very outspoken person, and alot of people find it offensive. Well, I have only two things to say to those people: Bite me, & fuck off.
Oh, did I forget to mention the potty mouth? Oops.

I beleive in faeries, witches, unicorns, and all other manner of supposedly "faerie-tale" creatures.
I'm not afraid of the dark, but I am afraid of what hides in it.
I have a personal code, but it would take much too much time and space to explain it in mere text. It requires the excited tone and facial expressions, and the very abrupt, exaggerated, and at times comical, hand movements to FULLY express.
(What can I say, its a me thing ;D)

To quote my best friend, Ukitake-chan, I have now seen so many animes that I can't count and can't put down here... -.-' But damn, there's a lot.
And to quote her once more here is a list of:
Awesome books, in no particular order:
Let us not even go there shall we? Let's just say that the number of books I've read that are awesome/amazing/astounding...are INNUMERABLE.

And just for fun...

Quotes and Crazy Sh*t...

"It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again." (Hehe, just a taste of my demented mind.)


"Oh look," points at eyebrow, "Kittypillars!!" ^_^

"OMG NO, NOT THE TWEEZERS!!!" (-_- Yes Self, that was directed at you.)

"I'm a kitty cat! And I meow meow meow, and I meow meow meow. I'm a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance, and I dance dance dance, I'm a kitty cat!"

"And the world keeps spinning. Damn I wish I wasn't so dizzy."

"Spinning, spinning, spinning. You know, you're going to pass out if you keep doing that."

"Huh, charbroiled mystery meat. Yum."

"'I swear it wasn't me!!' 'You really shouldn't swear, its unbecoming of a young lady.' -_- 'Bite me Self.' 'If you insist, Mugen.' :D 'OMG NO!! Don't you DARE come near me with those fangs!' 'You told me to.' : ( 'Whatever.' _"

Psychological twister:
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be crazy?
(Probably fun.)
Have you ever thought about what it would be like if everyone else thought you were crazy, but you knew you weren't?
(Most likely frustrating.)
And last but not least, have you ever wondered what it would be like if everyone else was crazy, and you were the only sane person in the room?
(Huh, welcome to my life. ;] )

Likes: Reading, anime, writing, cute boys/girls, drawing, most kinds of music, (not reggae, rap, jazz, or really old romantic crap "screw me" songs) dancing, (even though I'm no good at it) singing, flirting, my friends, music videos, poetry, books, presents, making my own jewelry, talking, my laptop, taking pictures, video games, slash, yuri, yaoi, some vampires, (excluding Edward Cullen, but definitely including Lestat) were-wolves, were-creatures, bats, foxes, and other animals, Mercedes Lackey's amazing books, Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series, Doctor Who, Dean Winchester, the list goes on, and on... and on. -_-'

Dislikes: Spiders, ants, people who jump to the wrong conclusions if those conclusions are negative, misunderstandings, stereotypers, racism, flamers, bullies, mean people, onions, peppers, slimy stuff, stinging bugs, Edward Cullen. And a note: I DO NOT DO M-PREG. EVER. if I ever do, it shall be a VERY cold day in hell. (Damn it Self, every time I think I have my personal code set, you go and prove me wrong...)

Favorite anime: Bleach, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Rosario Vampire, Tokyo Majin, D. Gray Man, Soul Eater, Trigun, Gurren Lagann, This Ugly Yet Beautiful World, Vampire Knight, Witch Blade, Fruits Basket, Trinity Blood, Dragonaut, Honey and Clover, Heroic Age, Full Metal Panic, Ghost Hound, Ghost in the Shell SAC, FLCL, Death Note, Eden of the East, MAR, Queen's Blade, Devil May Cry, Princess Tutu, Elfen Lied, Murder Princess, Clannad, El Cazador de la Bruja, Gun X Sword, Xam'd: Lost Memories, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Chrome Shelled Regios, Sekirei, Hetalia: Axis Powers, School Rumble, Black Blood Brothers, Kaze no Stigma, The Sacred Blacksmith, Shuffle!, Jyu-Oh-Sei: Planet of the Beast King, Vandread, Blood, Orphen, Orphen II: Revenge, G-Rei-Zero, Noein, Origin: Spirits of the Past, Spirited Away, Howls Moving Castle, Ponyo, Dead Leaves, Ouran High School Host Club, Wallflower, Our Home's Fox Diety. (There's probably tons more, but I can't think of them right now.)

Favorite pairings for a few of my most frequent anime: Bleach: GrimXIchi, RenjiXanybody but Rukia, Soifon, and Yoruichi, ByakuyaXGrimm/Ichi/Ukitake/Rukia, UlquiorraXRenji/Byakuya/Ichi/Grim. Inuyasha: KogaXInuyasha, InuyashaXSesshomaru, SesshomaruXSango, SangoXMiroku, MirokuXInuyasha. FMA: EdXAl, EdXRoy, RoyXAl, AlXEdXScar, AlXEdXEnvy, AlXEdXGreed, GreedXEnvy, EdXWrath, WinryXHawkeye, RoyXHawkeye, RoyXHughes, WinryXRoy. Naruto: HinataXMost anybody, InoXSaku, NaruXSasu, NaruXItachi, SasuXItachi, SaiXMost anybody, DeidaraXMost anybody, Rosario Vampire: MizoreXanybody, KurumuXanybody, Tokyo Majin: TatsuXKyou, Soul Eater: MakaXSoul, MedusaXStein, SteinXSpirit, SteinXKid, SteinXSoul, SoulXKid, SteinXStein, D. Gray Man: AllenXLenalee, AllenXKrory, AllenXAllen, AllenXMiranda, AllenXLavi, LaviXMiranda, LaviXLavi, Trigun: VashXKnives, VashXMeryl, VashXWolfwood, WolfwoodXMillie.

Favorite Books: anything by Mercedes Lackey, Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series, Patricia Briggs' The Hobbs Bargain, Kresley Cole's imortals After Dark series, J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Yasmine Galenorn's D'Artigo Sisters series, Twilight Saga,

Favorite TV Shows: Doctor Who/Torchwood, Sherlock, Stargate Atlantis
Favorite pairings for each TV show: Doctor Who/Torchwood: 10XRose, 10XMartha, 10XJack, JackXIanto, JackXHart, JackXMartha, JackXGwen, ToshXOwen, OwenXJack, GwenXOwen, ToshXGwen, ToshXJack, JackXIantoXOwen, IantoXOwen, IantoXGwen, GwenXToshXJackXOwenXIanto, Sherlock: SherlockXJohn, SherlockXMycroft, MycroftXJohn,
Stargate Atlantis: ShepperdXMcKay, McKayXCarson,

Favorite foods: Strawberries, kiwis, blueberries, chocolate, Strawberry-flavored pocky, almonds, grape flavored anything (usually) Mountain Dew Pitch Black, Monster energy drinks, watermelon, ramen noodles, caramel, pizza, fresh bread, cinnamon pastries, rasperry filled doughnuts, cheese, and chinese food.

Favorite colors: Neon green, neon orange, neon blue, cerulean, hunter green, silver, copper, gray, black, white, neon pink, neon purple, red, pastel green.

Favorite music types: Alternative rock, 90's rock, screamo, metal, heavy metal, goth, celtic, pop, punk.

Favorite music groups: Three Days Grace, Avenged Sevenfold, Drowning Pool, Breaking benjamin, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Van Halen, 16 Volt, 3 Doors Down, 30 Seconds to Mars, My Chemical Romance, HIM, ABBA, AC/DC, AFI, Alice Cooper, Cartel, The All-American Rejects, Bloodhound Gang, Rammenstein, Bowling for Soup, Bullet for my Valentine, Crossfade, Def Leppard, Demon Hunter, Finger Eleven, Korn, Disturbed, Dream Evil, Evanessence, Hinder, and probably thousands more...

Favorite hobbies: Drawing, writing, nerding-out, geeking-out (which is TOTALLY different than nerding-out), watching my favorite shows, hanging out with my fuck-awesome friends, roleplaying, being on IMVU, laughing, joking, playing pranks, talking, weapons training (quarterstaff, knive, baton, slingshot, bow, and sword), hand-to-hand combat training (usually done with Self as my sparring partner), dancing, listening to music, shopping (for weapons, survivalist gear, cosplay, new clothes, art supplies, posters, gaming gear, and jewelry making supplies), looking up pics, playing with my laptop, doing college-stuff, talking on the phone, texting, drinking energy drinks and getting hyper as hell, making jewelry, gaming, browsing cosplay gear, doing my hair and make-up in strange styles, playing with my camera, decorating things, creating an alltogether me style, and just generally being myself, socially akward geek or not.

My OC's:

Willow Madison-Black, Chihana Kazeyami, Lilu Ronar, Rinx Ronar, Nite and Liir, Julianna and Vivian, Hazil Bluefox, Chigawa Ginishi, Hana Megumi, Sumisu Nara, Shades or Shadow Nara, Angel, Cross, Priest, Archer.

Please do NOT steal my OC names, they are my real nicknames, and if I see them anywhere else, I will find out who stole them and ban them from my account and all of my stuff. I AM COMPLETELY SERIOUS!! THEY ARE MY NAMES!! AND MINE ALONE!! If you cannot respect this then we WILL have a problem. This had better be crystal clear. Ignorance will NOT be tolerated, so if you didn't read, then YOU'D BETTER be prepared for the consequences.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile page. Your reward is this...uh...(looks around and finds nothing) um...a digi-cookie! Enjoy! ^_^

8/17/2011: Posted my first chapter of my first story today. There will be more to come, but for now I am working on my master work, the Spiral City Chronicles. This story is a bit of a sidestory, in the SC universe. It will show a bit of the underbelly of SC. Please enjoy it, and give me lots of reviews. ^_^

8/19/2011: Posted a bit of dark poetry that got kind of stuck in my head and wouldn't come out except in writing. Pretty demented, the things going round my mind these days. Never knew I was more of a poet than a storyteller. Kinda makes me sad. Well, anyway please read and enjoy.

8/20/2011: Posted a poem about my feelings that I wrote a while back. Very angsty and romantic. Please read, enjoy, and review. Thank you.

9/29/2011: Posted two more poems, the first about a vampire who is caught up in self loathing. A bit of dark poetry that I wrote several years ago and just never posted anywhere until now. the second a song about the fae and a (person) who becomes one of the revellers.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Kingdom of Ashburn by Scarabx reviews
What if the thing you were supposed to hate the most, you became? This story follows Drake Ashburn, a young prince, who, after a horrid tragedy hits the kingdom, is forced to flee. Leaving his mother and old friends behind, Drake happily forgets who he is until the past comes back to haunt him and realizes that he must face it and take back what's rightfully his. Read inside.
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 24 - Words: 133,795 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 4/8/2013 - Published: 8/5/2011 - Complete
Ayame's Story by Kassandra Duric reviews
Ayame's Tamaharan life was simple, until her family was brutally murdered and her Yamashimian life isn't any better. Betrayed by friends and loved ones, Ayame must learn to trust again, but will she?
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 15,912 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 7/18/2011 - Published: 7/3/2011 - Complete
When in Rome, Shun Rome by Mya von Dor reviews
Parallel to Dragons/Kai has no idea that he's the first human-born dragon to exist in several millennia, or that he's even a dragon, until his tail starts to sprout teal scales and his sub. turns out to be a river dragon responsible for his conception.
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 80 - Words: 200,028 - Reviews: 195 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 2/24/2009 - Published: 9/23/2005 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

A poem about how I'm feeling at this moment. Angst/Tragedy/Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Poetry: Love - Rated: M - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 233 - Published: 3/9/2012 - Complete
Love, and Pain
More letters and notes from Lilu to Loushis
Fiction: Romance - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 442 - Published: 2/25/2012
A letter from Stormy's alter-ego to her lover's alter-ego.
Fiction: Romance - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,142 - Favs: 1 - Published: 2/25/2012 - Complete
Maze of Self
A dream, just a dream. Or is it? Follow the path you think is a path but may not be a path at all. Is it real? What is Reality anyway? Rated M for mature ideas.
Poetry: Life - Rated: M - English - Spiritual/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 687 - Published: 2/25/2012 - Complete
Me questioning everything.
Poetry: Life - Rated: K - English - Spiritual/Poetry - Chapters: 1 - Words: 102 - Published: 2/25/2012 - Complete
The Revel reviews
They never said changelings couldn't go the other way. A song/chant about the fae that I wrote. Please enjoy it.
Poetry: Song - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 212 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Published: 9/29/2011 - Complete
A Vampire's Sorrow reviews
Short, dark, slightly supernatural poem about a girl. Graphic. Please R&R. Thanks.
Poetry: General - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 179 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 9/29/2011 - Complete
The Feeling of Home
A poem about the feeling I crave to feel.
Poetry: Love - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 163 - Published: 8/20/2011 - Complete
Dead Love
A sample of my poetic streak. Very dark. "I'm standing here laughing while you fade, before long no one will hear the words you say."
Poetry: General - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Poetry - Chapters: 1 - Words: 119 - Published: 8/19/2011 - Complete
Starstrike reviews
This is the story of the half-sidhe siblings, Nanouin and Morolly, and their lives in Spiral City. Rated M for later chapters.
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,155 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 8/17/2011
TwoFold (0)