![]() Hey I've been an active reader on Fiction Press and Fan Fiction for a little over a year but I'm new to publishing my stories/poems on here or any website for that matter. So please don't hesitate to review. Any type of criticism is appreciated. I want to learn how to become a better writer and am willing to receive any critique. Trust me when I say you won't hurt my feelings any with whatever you say. Thank You. On an added note,the artist of my amazing profile picture is Renae Taylor. I bought this picture from a vendor at a Renaissance Festival. In my honest opinion she is quite talented even though I'm sure that you can't tell with my profile picture because of how small I had to shrink it. You can find her work at http:///shop/renaeleataylor or you can go to Google images to get a better view of her art work. I realize now that not everyone allows Private Messaging on their profile so I would just like to thank everyone who has taken the time to review. I appreciate everything you wrote, from those that gave me flattering compliments to the ones that showed me where I could improve. For all those interested I am now a beta-reader on here. Check out my profile and let me know if you are interested. Thank you. "You have seen him but you did not recognize him. When he passed you on the street you would not look his way. He stood with you in the line and took a seat as the lights went down but when you heard his footsteps later, going home, you told yourself he was not there. He is the one who sent the letter, the one on the telephone who never speaks, the one who awaits behind the door. He stops for every accident and never turns away from the chalk marks and the blood, for there is a lifemap in each dying and if he does not see it all his portraits will not be true. He wants to pass it on, the laughter and the cry in the night, so much the same at the end. It is not a hobby or a diversion. It is a method and an esthetic and a religion. He does not seek to convert you. He only wants you to know. He thinks you are ready. He is an artist and his subject is the high and the low rather than what lies in between. You do not have to find him. He has already found you." This is a passage from the beginning of a collection of short stories called The Death Artist. They are all by an author named Dennis Etchinson. I swear right after I read this I felt chills. If any of you whom are reading my profile have read any of my stuff you can easily see why I like this so much. |