Author has written 3 stories for Fantasy. Mother of Learning: Finished Kindle edition of the book is available on Amazon! I can't give you the direct link due to the Fictionpress's linking policy, but you can just go to the Amazon's website and past this at the end of the URL: dp/B09M2R6QL - break - Q: I want to give you money. How can I do that? Oh wow. I'm honored! As it happens, I have finally set up a way for my fans to do just that. For those awesome, generous souls that have been asking about a way to donate money to me as a token of appreciation for my work, I am pleased to announce I have set up a Patreon account to make such support possible. (https : // www . patreon . com / nobody103) Alternatively, you can make a donation through PayPal, using the following e-mail address: autonemesis at gmail dot com. Adjust the address to make it usable, of course. 'Mother of Learning' is and will remain free to read. Donations are simply a way for readers to reward an aspiring writer and motivate me to write faster. Q: I love your spiders, by the way. No idea if they're from your own head or inspired by something. If they're inspired by something, I'd loove to hear what they're from. They're from my head, mostly, but they were inspired by the GIFTS (Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Spiders) and Aranea from Exile/Avernum series of computer games. I sort of combined them into one species, changed the type of spider into jumping spiders (because they're cute), gave them psychic powers instead of simple magical prowess and then built a society around the concept. They have a lot of worldbuilding behind them, and I'm not sure how much I'll end up showing in the story proper, but I'll try to do them justice. I tried not to make them into a 'race of hats' like non-human species usually end up being in fantasy stories, but still make them relatable and understandable to humans. Generally speaking, Exile/Avernum games are a big influence on this story. Other influential inspirations are D&D (of course) and Fullmetal Alchemist (the Alteration discipline is basically FMA Alchemy and watching it made me aware I dislike medieval tech levels and prefer higher technology settings). Harry Potter and Naruto fandoms are a minor inspiration as well, as are a whole bunch of other works that I won't bother listing. - break - Fictionpress has decided to ban linking in user profiles for some reason. You can find all the story related links on my MoL related wordpress page: https : // motheroflearninguniverse . wordpress . com/2016/05/01/mol-links-fanart-translation-etc/ Just copy-paste the above address into your navigation bar and delete the spaces I had to put there to make it viewable. - break - I also have made a Royal Road account for people who prefer to read the story over there. I can't link to it here, but you can find it easily by searching for 'Mother of Learning' on the site. - break - Zenith of Sorcery - Next Chapter Target Date: February 16th, 2025 |