Author has written 1 story for General. Sabrin: Hi everyone! I know my stories haven't been updated in awhile, so sorry!Remy: Stories won't be goin' now where for awhile at *dis* rate. John: Thanks Captain Obvious, for the obvious. Remy: *ignores John* When are you goin' to update, mademouiselle? Sabrin: I don't know. John: You're supposed to know though! Crikey, you're the author! Warren: It's not that big of a deal guys... Remy: Easy for you to say, you aren't in a full length story mon ami! Ben: Well, I'm not and I don't argue with the author! John: Goody two shoes. Ben: I am not! Mort: You tell them! Ben: Oh shut up Mort. *Ben and Mort argue as the others look on* Remy: Dat is to strange when he does dat. Pietro: Hey-everyone! I-found-expresso-in-the-cabinets! Anyone-want-some? John: Ay, who left the coffee out! Remy: You're de only one dat *drinks* dat stuff John. John: *mutters to self* How could I be so stupid? Remy: *overhears* Easy! Let Remy count de ways... John: Don't you dare start or I'll set your bed on fire again! Pietro: Ha ha! John: Shut up speedy! *Pietro, Remy, and John get in an arguement, while Ben and Mort are still going at it* Warren: *stands in front of all four looking embarressed* Why am I the only sane one? Sabrin: Well, those are my RPG characters, also a few of my muses as well! See you all later! |