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Joined 01-20-12, id: 821861, Profile Updated: 06-04-13
Author has written 1 story for General.

Many, many, many years ago, I aspired to be a writer. More recently (only one “many”) I took a couple of creative writing courses, wrote some stories for them and then…nothing.

Then came Person of Interest. I have posted four works set in the P.O.I. ‘verse ( three casefics, one not) to both and and may post more. The story I’ve posted here on Fiction Press is about two of the characters I developed for those P.O.I. stories.

I welcome any and all comments/critiques. In fact, any comment at all would be good, ‘cause then I would know someone actually read the story and didn’t bail part way through.

6/1/13 I have found that writing Fan Fiction has been a wonderful addition to my life, both as an escape and an outlet. Bizarrely enough, I have also found it to have improved my writing skills as applies to my job. The effort I’ve put in to crafting sentences for my stories has helped me to become a better email/letter writer.

Writing and posting stories has also put me in contact with similarly inclined people and I've found that this, too, is a good thing and it perks up my day to get something in my ‘in box’ from them. I not only enjoy reading their stories, but the interaction as well, electronic though it is. When one of them didn’t post anything for a longish period, I found I began to worry that something untoward had happened. Not everyone who reads takes the time to submit comments (okay, damned few do), but those who do brighten up my day/week/year. This is strictly egocentric, I know. But, as we all have found, it feels good to have one’s efforts recognized. So, I would like to use this space to thank the following people for their writing and correspondence (in no particular order): T’Kirr and LadyBrin (AOOO), Wolfmusic218, Dimac99 and RoundBrainySpecs (FF). I would like to give a special thanks to callih (FF & FP) not only for her writing/posting but for her gracious comments, support and encouragement for mine own stories. Thanks lady – you rock!

Friends and Commitments reviews
Two friends drive from New York to Albuquerque to attend a wedding with a side trip to a cemetery. Hilarity does not ensue (but, there is humor). References to Viet Nam, PTSD and the Chicano Movement. Please see Author's notes.
Fiction: General - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Words: 29,638 - Reviews: 6 - Updated: 11/24/2012 - Published: 11/23/2012 - Complete