Author has written 5 stories for Song, Life, and Nature. Well, I got here from and I'm really starting to enjoy this site as well! Speaking of , I just had to bring this over from my other profile (which you should check out-- it has the same penname): I, LivMore, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I HAVE JOINED THE REVIEW REVOLUTION! This is, of course, because I hate when I get 100 some hits the first day something is published... and not a SINGLE REVIEW! ugh. How mean, right? so...*cricket, cricket*... yup. Just recently--actually right now-- I decided that the very few that will read this should try to work these following ideas or random things into a story. Then PM me with your story/poem name so I can read it. Here it goes: • a Capuchin monkey Have fun perusing! |