Author has written 2 stories for General. Hi there! So, Ive been a fictionpress-stalker for some time, and finally decided to publish some of my own work. "The dark, desert nights" was a story I wrote several years ago, but recently rewrote and translated to English. Some of the content might be difficult for some readers, and the rating M is done for a reason. Sexual content, violence, and some dark and difficult themes makes this an inproper story for young readers. Currently working on the sequel for "The dark, desert nights", and its called "Born from Blood and Blades". The content, again, makes the story inproper for young readers, and rating M is done for a reason, as always :-) Thanks for reading! Rewievs are what I live for ;-) Update 20th September 2016: I AM NOT DEAD!!! :-D I've had a lot on my plate and a lot of things going on in my life, but my story has ben lurkig at the back of my head the entire time. I've had time to ponder on it, really reflect on where I wanted it to go, and I'll start posting new chapters soon -promise :-) 28th May, 2018: So, still not dead. I've re-read my stories, and have decided to polish them a little, possibly take them down for a little rewrite. Life has been... hard at times these last couple of years, close to unbearable really. And even though I'm still trying to get on top of things, I think I feel ready to continue my writings. Sometimes I forget just how much joy writing gives me, and I loose inspiration. Ironically enough, I somehow feel closer to Leylah now. Her loss has been far greater than mine, but still. I can relate. |