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Joined 04-26-12, id: 838276, Profile Updated: 04-26-12
Author has written 1 story for Romance.

Description: Member of the geeks. And I don't care. Loves to write. Loves to read. Hates to vacuum. Loves to cook. Loves to act. Loves music. Plays flute. Talks in longer sentences most of the time. I think sanity is completely overrated, which is why most people question mine. Yes, I am a complete science geek, thank you for asking. I've been writing since fifth grade, and although I believe my writing has gotten considerably better in the years since then, I'm not always too confident about it.

Shameless plug: If you have a FanFiction account, I'm Amaryllis09 on there as well.

I live in:We're going to pretend I live in San Francisco, since it really is a lovely city, but since the keyword is pretend, then that's an obvious lie.

Life is worth it, don't ever give up.

These are a Few of My Favorite Things...

Books (clearly)


The Beatles

Music in general really



Glee (the TV show)

Nerd Camp



Writing (again, clearly)

Drawing, especially anime

Hope you enjoy my stories!

A Year of Amore reviews
A girl and a boy. One year, and an English project. It's a recipe for love. Only problem is, the two have never seen each other, they're pen pals. Explore a year of letters, diary entries, and conversations as the two come together and fall together.
Fiction: Romance - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,389 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 5/7/2012 - Published: 4/29/2012