Author has written 20 stories for Love, Life, and General. Hi. AlbinoBumblebee was kind of just a fluke really for those wondering but I liked it so I use it for my online name for COD and stuff :P I'm more of a poetry writer (*cough ONLY a poetry writer*) cuz I feel poetry is the best way to express emotion besides keeping a diary. Most guys don't write poetry, but what the heck I'm way different from most guys I suppose. I love school, (which is obscure in itself) and I have some really great friends and I honestly don't think I'm worthy of them saying anywhere close to that about me cuz they probably think I'm a nutcase. And I guess I sort of am, but that's me, and if I have someone who will take me as I am then they'll be just that much better of a friend. So AlbinoBumblebee really doesn't describe me. Just a funny image put in your mind. All I know is the only reason I write poetry is cuz my mind gets all jumbled from trying to think yet not think about this girl I really like. I could go on forever about that but I don't wanna make the webpage lag . but anyways... I love to write poetry about my life ever since I started writing about Her and now it helps me sort my feelings and thoughts and ends up reducing my stress level. I would consider myself socially awkward :P I hate it. But it's not like people tell me I am and even though I'm not technically categorized as antisocial I will say that I definitely cannot spend too much time with other people. Just a few of my really good friends. I'm a Christian I L-O-V-E my imaginary world. When I'm bored or excited or really whenever I want to let my imagination be unleashed beyond the clouds, my world of warfare, love, conflict, and power are all ways to express my emotions and to entertain my mind. I even made a map for my planet which I would post a picture of but it looks FAR more impressive in person. So too bad :P not like anyone cares lol. Anyway, all of my friends are pretty smart and at the same times are just some of the funniest, witty, nice, and goofiest people I know :) I wouldnt ask for much more than people who have the same opinions about life and school (two different things apparently) and who have somewhat similar personalities. Lol like half of my friends are asian :P So yeah. I really don't know if there is really that much to say about me. I just like fun things, hate work, hate sweat, love music, and wish I was capable of understanding people's thoughts in social situations. I can't imagine talking about my lame life for too long so... here's a brief summary: Favorites: If you like love poems or if you like poems in general about school or friends or the stupid challenges of life then I would love for you to read my poems and comment on them :) I love other people's opinions :DDDDD |