Author has written 2 stories for Mystery, and Action. Where do I begin? I love stories. I love reading them so much that my name as Devil Reader is not an exaggeration. I often read an entire book in a single day, sometimes more. I believe that the world would be a better place if people read more often and better books, one that teaches the wisdom of life. I know, I know, I sound like I'm being a little preachy and like a wise-old-man in your standard fantasy stories. But the truth is, that's just how I feel and I love to read to my heart's content. I think that a website like this where writers and readers can gather to share stories and ideas is one of the better things about the Internet. Right now I'm working on a time-traveling story which will go on for about three chapters and I'm thinking of starting a story about a classroom of students who are forced to play a deadly game. Anyway what are you doing still reading on my profile? Get to reading! PS. I'm painfully slow when it comes to writing and if you expect me to write new chapters at least the rate of a new chapter per month, all I can do is laugh at your ignorance of my slow writing abilities. Awww, cheer up, sometimes it's not that bad, it's worse. *evil chuckle* Happy reading! Important Note: I previously had a story titled "Demon's Choice" on this site, until someone pointed out to me that it should be considered fan fiction and I have moved it to under the same profile name. Please read it, it's one of my best works even if it's only one chapter long. |