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Joined 08-12-12, id: 863975, Profile Updated: 09-12-13
Author has written 1 story for Romance.

My name's Lisa. I'm an avid writer. I have a profile on wattpad with nearly 300 followers. My username is LisaStanbridge. I've decided to give fanfiction a go but I'm afraid to say I'm a little slacker on this than I am on wattpad.

I primarily write sweet contemporary romance. I have just started my first novel in ChickLit. At the moment I have one novel on fanfic but I hope to post more.

Apart from a writer, I am also a critic. I have been critiquing for about six months now. When I leave feedback / reviews on your stories, they will be from a critics perspective. I am never intentionally harsh, I like to help writers, not bring them down. Please don't take offence. If you're a genuine writer, you will want to improve your writing. :)

A little side (probably useless!) information about me:

- I'm married and work full time. Writing is what I would love to do as a career but I have a long way to go before I get there. I'm not yet published but this is my next goal.
- I love chocolate, probably a bit too much.
- I love reading - I have a lot of favourite authors but my top favourites are Katie Fforde, Jane Costello, Sophie Kinsella, Alexandra Potter, Isabel Wolff, John Grisham and Harlan Coban.
- I love movies. I have soooo many favourites but I especially love The Princess Bride and Jane Eyre (the 2012 version)
- I love all British comedy, but especially love Ever Decreasing Circles, Keeping Up Appearances, You Rang M'Lord and Vicar of Dibley.
- I love to laugh, seriously I laugh at everything. I laugh at tiny things like 'bottom' or 'toothbrush'.
- If you have seen Miranda, then you know me very well. I'm basically Miranda. Scary, huh?

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The Matchmaker reviews
Shannon deals with trauma by matchmaking. When she involves her best friend, the man she doesn't realise is in love with her, he gets hurt. After learning his true feelings, she is taken on an emotional roller coaster ride as she deals with understanding her own true feelings, finding a way to win him back and face a painful past that will change her life.
Fiction: Romance - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 21 - Words: 60,106 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/25/2012 - Complete