Author has written 7 stories for General.
Hello, I am Vyscaria!
I am a life of opposites, of peace and war and of stillness and chaos. Like you. You might find my work a little startling. Sometimes I too am startled at what I write. Give me a moment to explain before you turn away.
I write short stories, novels, and flash fiction. I have a fanfiction.net account by the same name, where my works are (not surprisingly) much lighter in nature I think than what I have here.
For the moment, I have acquired a sudden love of flash fiction, so I am posting them here for review. In many of my flash fictions, certain characters are referred to again and again. These characters are:
Maria, a random woman that lives somewhere in South America
Antonio, Maria's father
Claire, Maria's daughter
Andre, (unknowing) father to Claire and ex-lover of Maria
Otavio, Maria's husband
I don't really want to develop these characters, if they can even be called characters. In the beginning, I had the thought to re-use them so I wouldn't have to think of new names. That is all.
Anyway, my shorts and flash fictions tend to be more abstract in nature... Since they are not all explained in the work itself, some of my inspirations:
Horrifying nature of societal constructs
Whether you are aware of it or not, our lives have come to be dictated by constrictions posed by others. What, then, is true life? It is horrifying to note the affect of family, education, career, and even health care on our perception of life. Is living just that? To wade through the remains of those who have died before?
Existentialist crisis
Some days we all have moments when we pause and wonder (sometimes in joy, sometimes in sadness, sometimes in disgust) at the meaninglessness of life. And everything is at your fingers! Behold pure happiness and pure anguish in its most acute sense.
Innocence vs. experience
The disillusionment of growing up and the innate separation between a child and their parent, and the parent with a child. Parents don't always love their children. Just because they are a "father" or a "mother" in word does not dictate who they are as a person and what they think of their child. Children don't always love their parents (ain't that a surprise), and sometimes it is a little more than childish rebellion.
Gross comparisons
I once watched a young man eat a cricket. I didn't think there was anything very much wrong with it. The line between man and beast and pest is actually somewhat vague.
Religion and its place
Mostly I work with Christianity and Islam, but I am neither. Well, I used to be Christian, but now I am neo-pagan. I've lost a lot of faith in secular religion in general, and I've come to ponder what religion, what "God" has truly done for us. Yes there is wonderment and ecstasy and joy if one approaches religion properly. But it seems more and more to me that most people just take their scripture and twist it to suit their human desires- to hate and harm others.
The female being
Ah, the woman. I think women have a sort of innate power that cannot be written away and explained. I play with a woman's "traditional roles" and her "place" very often. And yet the women in my work, I find, defy archetype and definition. These women probably don't exist, or maybe they do exist in every woman on earth very very very deep down.
I would love to get some feedback on my work. I will return reviews and feedback in equal effort. If you leave me a one word review, don't expect me to write a story for you. C: Please do not hesitate to PM me if you'd like. I am glad to meet you and look forward to exploring this new community.