Author has written 3 stories for Fantasy. Hey guys! I'm extremely new to writing and publishing on FictionPress, but I'm interested in trying anyway! I have three completed stories for now. It's been a while since I've completed my first three stories, and the edited versions have just been sitting on my computer for a while. I figured it was time to replace the chapters with the edited ones since I did find a lot of mistakes and things that I hadn't really thought out as much as I should have. Small things may have changed, such as slight events or names. For example, in Triadic Races: Eternity's People, Harmony's name is now Calla. I discovered my actual hatred of names like that and decided it needed to be changed. Other interactions between characters that may have seemed somewhat unclear or underdeveloped are more developed now and, hopefully, better. If you're interested in rereading the stories or in rereading parts that I changed, then obviously you are welcome to. Otherwise, I will be working on new ones, hopefully, and won't start posting until they are finished so that there will be no delay in publishing. As for people who haven't read the three stories that I have posted, just to clarify the order. The first story in the installment is Triadic Races: Eternity's People. The second is Alexandra's Path. Obviously, the third one is the most recent one which is When Night ReturnsThe reason I am pointing this out is to also point out that you do not need to read the first one to read the second or third, although it is an easy read (despite how long it is) and it can really help you understand all the intricate details of the story and the lore of the lands and people that i talk about, so I recommend reading it anyway. It's your choice, though. Whatever you choose, please enjoy and leave me feedback if you'd like to! I very much enjoy and appreciate the constructive criticism, so please don't hold back from your opinions as long as they are useful and help me improve my writing and storytelling. I will continue posting the updated version of the stories I already have. I just updated the first and within the next few days, the others should be updated as well! Thanks for the patience and for taking the time to visit my page! |