Author has written 7 stories for Nature, Haiku, Life, Romance, and Thriller. HI! My name is Gracie and I have literally been reading books since I was four years old. I'm 18 years old and I absolutely LOVE to read. I've always had a dream to become an author one day. I came to realize that if I didn't start writing I couldn't become an author so I took a creative writing class and I decided to post them on here. I'm in to the sick twisted sorta writing. I love any horror story that has a weird twist. I admit that I am a sap for romance... who isn't? I have a few stories and some poems up right now. Most of them I wrote in my creative writing class so they have a certain guideline to them. But the incomplete ones are my own ideas and I just started working on them. Please review! I want to know what works or not ok? So some basic facts about me are that I am loud and obnoxious with my friends and I'm a quiet in front of people I barely know. I didn't have the best childhood, but then again has anyone had a perfect childhood? My parents are divorced yadda yadda yadda. My favorite food is macaroni. I swim and I'm in colorguard. (The chicks who spin the flags and rifles with the marching band.) It's actually pretty cool. Needless to say I'm not the most popular, but I'm not a nobody either. As I've said before I love to read. So if you read and review my stories I'll go read and review yours. I promise. -and I always try to keep my promises- The Bet So I started writing this on my way home from a church retreat. I don't really know where I got the idea from. I just started writing and this popped out. But anyways I hope you enjoy this story! Taken I wrote this in a creative writing class I took last year. I got a B on it, but only because I turned it in two months late. Did I mention that I'm the biggest procrastinator? I love dark creepy things and I tried to make this suspenseful. I hope it worked. |
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