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Joined 12-06-12, id: 886548, Profile Updated: 10-21-13
Author has written 1 story for Young Adult.

Hi there! Dani here.

I'm 16 years of age.

Oh, and proud to be from the Pearl of The Orient.

Writing has been part of my life since forever--only that I never knew of it back then. But my blood's been part ink for around four years already.

Some people regret meeting me but some people don't. Maybe it's because I--Well, I-- don't tell anyone, okay? But... I AM A UNICORN.

No, seriously speaking, I'm eccentric and found bouncing off the walls all the time. Ergo, I'm sure you won't be surprised that my most favorite word in the dictionary is the word: quirky.

Some people say I'm the weirdest, most annoying person they've ever met while others say I'm the most interesting person they've ever met...

Well, you judge, FP. :)

Love may be mean to me, but I'm not mean to it. I am sooo into romances--reading and writing them a like.

NO, LOL. Me being nice to love... Pshhhh. Although, I believed in Gossip Girl when she said, "Sometimes, fate throws two lovers together just to rip them apart"

Meeheehee. And this is my philosophy in writing.

So, don't be surprised if people suddenly die/disappear/get heartbroken/get their hearts torn out (literally or figuratively) in my stories. I blame Gossip Girl for that. Gee, thanks, Kristen Bell.

I'm working on Curtain Call: One Last Chance, One Last Dance at the moment.


-To follow-

AND! AND! AAAAAAAAAND! I love my beta readers: Livinginyourfantasy and Drepanididae

Curtain Call reviews
Sometimes, fate throws two people together just to tear them apart all over again. Alexander Garfield and Arielle Hart have been best friends since forever and everyone else in the world seems to see sparks between them-all except themselves. They survived a rough childhood together and are now 'normal' teens. But as they say, history repeats itself and now, time is of the essence
Fiction: Young Adult - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,632 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 1/1/2013 - Published: 12/6/2012