Author has written 40 stories for Romance, Love, Friendship, Family, General, Essay, Work, Song, Young Adult, Life, Kids, Manga, Haiku, Nature, Fantasy, Biography, General, and Humor. I am a writer with a penchant for words. What more must I say? Maybe that I make all my covers myself, probably? And I know four languages. But how shall that be of any use to you, dear reader? I'm on indefnitite hiatus due to writer's block. Might come back after a year. Toodles! Leider habe ich Schreibblockade, deswegen werde ich nicht mehr schreiben bis nächstes Jahr. Tschüss! |
allonsyalloso (5) invisible.writer (26) | malory79080 (1) Milea Kirst (2) | Susie of Anna (0) yukiteddy (9) |