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Joined 01-04-13, id: 892389, Profile Updated: 07-01-14

All of my writing is currently on hiatus. After being in Germany for two weeks, I really just need to stop and think about what I'm doing with myself. Writing will continue, but no one will be able to access it since I am no longer posting anything online.

I suppose I should write something on my profile since I seem to have developed a following. Which is astounding. I don't understand it. I did not expect to get this much attention for my first story.

Personal Info (for those of you curious):

I am a 16 17 year old female from the east coast of the United States. It's kind of obvious that I enjoy writing. I also like art because I'm sort of good at it (Sort of as in I'm amazing). Besides the story posted here, I've only ever seriously sat down and written one other thing. Which will not be posted here, it's embarrassing to think about.. I'm not really a fan of romance or comedy. I'll probably write something with romance (because I can tolerate my own types of romance. Meaning they're usually gay as hell. Because I'm gay (half gay). I like to represent my own people.) in it. I am apparently good at comedy, which I sort of agree with because of something I did recently that nearly killed my mother because she couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. It's a really funny story. I do like tragedy, angst, action, and causing pain to my characters. NETWORK shows some of that, but I feel like it doesn't show my entire range of abilities in that area or in other, more lighthearted areas.

I think that I'm quite good at writing dystopian science fiction, that seems to come easiest to me. I'm planning on branching out into fantasy, but my first attempt was sort of a failure. I need to come up with some better ideas with better world building and better characters. Just better stuff.

I also prefer writing male characters. I honestly have no idea why, I am in no way a dude, it's just more appealing to me, so I apologize if any readers prefer female leads, I'm just less likely to write them.


This story has restarted! It is a science fiction based story about a dystopian society ruled by a big NETWORK. But the NETWORK isn't perfect. It's a fairly new system, actually, and it's really shit at keeping track of it's citizens. Which is why some people who can't connect to the NETWORK because of a defect in their brain have started to realize that this isn't how things should be.

Edit: This is close to being complete, and once it is, I will go back and edit every chapter. I procrastinate with editing because I dislike rereading my own work.

Edit: I am happy to say that this story is complete!


Anyone is allowed to contact my private messaging at any time. I completely encourage questions about the story, writing, or about me specifically. I enjoy the messages. All the messages.

Writing Process:

I slam my head on the keyboard and hope something good comes out. I should probably plan everything a little more, but I don't. It just sort of happens.