Ultimate Hipster Thanatos
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Joined 03-23-13, id: 907920, Profile Updated: 03-24-13
Author has written 1 story for Manga.

"I am not a bad man even if I do bad things." -Creature Feature
"'You're a murder tramp, murder tramp,' I think he said." -The Birthday Massacre

WHO AM I? I'm Ultimate Hipster Thanatos, but feel free to devise any nickname for me! If I like it, I might even refer to myself as that, heehee
WHAT ELSE SHOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT ME? Uh, I'm a thirteen year old girl, and I used to have a FictionPress account, but I don't use THAT one anymore... I've missed reading original works from here, though, so I'm back! I live in Asia--Southeast Asia, to be specific--but I've travelled to various different places, like Japan, America, Hong Kong, and China; I'm part Chinese, too.
WHAT DO I LIKE? My favorite novels include Battle Royale (which, might I add, I love to death; I love the movie and manga adaptations as well), The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Tales, Holly Black's 'A Modern Faerie Tale' series as well as her Curse Workers series, and the Rot and Ruin series. I also enjoy Libba Bray's "The Gemma Doyle" trilogy. I have several favorite manga, including Franken Fran, Dokusai Grimoire, Deadman Wonderland, Furanushiki Kottou Seikatsu, DOGS: Bullets and Carnage, Afterschool Charisma, and much more. For anime, I am currently in the progress of watching Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls, So Ra No To, and Haibane Renmei; anime series that I absolutely love include the DOGS: Bullets and Carnage OVA, La Storia de Arcana Famiglia, Deadman Wonderland, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and, of course, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. My favorite bands are Creature Feature, Slime Girls, The Birthday Massacre, Venom Lab, Gidropony, Kidneythieves, Scarling, and much more. There's also an issue of webcomics and things that'd be hard to fit into one media, such as RubyQuest and NanQuest

Basically I'm just some kid with a strong love for dead things, folklore, animanga, and stuff like that! When I grow up, I want to be a mortician. (I love Kazuo Kiriyama from Battle Royale, Genkaku Azuma from Deadman Wonderland, Cinderella from Dokusai Grimoire, Sir William from Furansushiki Kottou, and much more)

Please, don't hesitate to talk to me! I'm not cool at all, but I love making friends! =Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ

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  1. TBA
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