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Joined 03-27-13, id: 908839, Profile Updated: 05-05-13

Hey. The name's Sal.

Remember that type of kid always wanting to open a book and live in a library, where she could flip through the crinkled pages of her diary and no one would confiscate it from her? The girl that always loved rain and snow, and wouldn't hesitate to run outside even if it was hailing, just so she could taste the falling, tiny snowflakes that poured onto the earth like a shower of white rose petals covering the earth, or inhale the fresh scent of morning dew from the raindrops that had, pitter patter, fallen last night. She was the one who had been loved. Hated. Envied. Lost. Her stubborn personality brought rebel and trouble. But that was who she is. The type of kid who wasn't extremely smart. Or stunning. That one kid tired of staying strong.

Hey. You know what?

Well, that was me.

It hurts, the pounding in my heart as I flashback to the time before, like a hammer drilling against my bones, chilling my mind as I remembered the pouring rain, the puddles on the sidewalk, and the fresh tears as bitter as coffee beans that drip, drop; rolling down my burning cheeks, and the memory from one year ago still hurts.

"Let's play pretend," she said.
"I love you," he whispered.

I know you don't like me. I know it and I know that we'll never be together and there's no "again" to the end of that statement, because in reality we never actually were what we pretended to be.

I feel really sad whenever someone talks to me about their futures. Its like they've already planned it all out, while I'm still stuck between failing...and failing..

And when you talk to me about your future? I cry, because I'm not in it.

Singing here's to never growing up. -Avril Lavigne

Teenagers are my favourite." -John Bytheway

There are those nights when you just break down and cry because you know that no matter what, things will never be the same way they used to be.

Stargirl Always Loves Leo, Youshouldknow. XOXO

And I'll never let myself believe someone really loves me.

Memories destroy us.

If you want to, you can leave. I'll remember you, though. I remember that everyone leaves.

Stay strong.


"But I love you."

"Then love again."

Once upon a time...and happily ever after..

Such a dilemma

Do you choose to remain sad, cry and water the flowers

Or get better, and have them die?