Author has written 1 story for Spiritual. Hi! I'm Vee and I'm a bibliophile..I live Down Under in Straya.. I love dragons, tree-houses, and books about angels and demons. I prefer sour lollies over sweet lollies. if I had superpowers, mine would be that everything I write down or read out, comes to life.. confession time: I HAVE A PHOBIA OF SNAILS AND I'M SECRETLY AFRAID OF WATER... 0_o like any other girl, I love my music! Imagine dragons especially and Florence the machine.. I also love junk food, heads up, I am not a healthy person.. I am probably the weirdest, quirkiest, geeky person you will come across. I am anti-social and the Internet is my best friend! I love reading books and when I'm not reading, I am either: a) sleepingb) eatingc) writing short stories d) writing songse) procrastinating like a bad-ass..The Hunger Games, I read it BEFORE all the hype about it k? Lord of The Rings, this is the number one law of geek society, if you haven't read or watched Lord of The rings then I'm sorry but we can't be friends :P Game of Thrones is just awesome..fav character are: Tyrion, Daenerys Targaryen, Lord Varys & Arya.. if you haven't watched Game of thrones then I pity are missing out! Grimm is another favourite show of mine..just saying.. I love discovering really good stories that have little views or votes! my favourite genres to read are action, adventure, paranormal, sci-fi, apocalyptic and FANTASY!! and you should follow me on twitter so we can fangirl over books, movies, tv shows, and fictional characters! made a new twitter just for you guys! :) I first started posting my original stories on Wattpad before I started sharing them here so for any of you that want to check it out, feel free! http:///user/the_astonished_youth |