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Welcome to the Complex of Yore reviews
Answer the ringing sorrow machine.
Fiction: Spiritual - Rated: T - English - Spiritual - Chapters: 1 - Words: 368 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 8/15/2014
Doppleganger reviews
Sort of your typical guy-gets-his-brain-transfered-to-a-computer story, only with a twist. Hope you enjoy! Also, it was not my intention for it to say BREAK at every scene break, but fiction press wouldn't accept - - - - - for some reason, so...also, not sure whether I'm gonna write more or leave it at this, but don't get your hopes up...
Fiction: Sci-Fi - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,258 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 8/12/2014
Set in Stone reviews
I know time travel is a little cliche, but I hope I created something decent here. "I had it all arranged with myself."
Fiction: Sci-Fi - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,401 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 9/29/2013 - Complete
Camp Rules reviews
"I don't want you to listen to the rumors, because if you listen to those rumors, they will swallow up every ounce of truth, and all that will remain are smoke and mirrors."
Fiction: Kids - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 710 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 6/10/2013
April Surprise reviews
God must have left while I was watching my funeral.
Fiction: Humor - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,674 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 6/6/2013
Merciless Summer reviews
The settlers with all their advanced technology did nothing to help quell the flames.
Fiction: Spiritual - Rated: K+ - English - Spiritual/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,074 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 1 - Published: 6/4/2013
The Gun
"They say the gun I have in my hand is just a toy. But then I prove them wrong and shoot them and turn them into Mr. Potato Head." I just wrote this for fun. Needed to work something out of my system. It is pretty ridiculous just warning you.
Fiction: Humor - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 391 - Published: 5/28/2013
Immortality Diaries reviews
This is totally an experiment, so I'm not sure how people will like it. "I feel like, in the long run, fourteen thousand years really is just the beginning.
Fiction: Spiritual - Rated: T - English - Spiritual/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,155 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 5/26/2013 - Complete
Safe in our Shell reviews
I was encouraged by a friend to write with an unreliable narrator, so this is my first time. I just sort of let the plot flow, so sorry if it is confusing. "The stuff my wife and I knew nothing about was causing an entire nation to fall into panic."
Fiction: Spiritual - Rated: K+ - English - Mystery/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,674 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 5/25/2013 - Complete
MAIC or Break reviews
I was sent here as part of a grand plan to expose police corruption in this city that probably doesn't exist in the first place. And all of you are pawns in this plan.
Fiction: Action - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,997 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 5/24/2013 - Complete
Rotten at the Core reviews
He had always known that Towerzap wasn't the nicest company, but he didn't expect them to be evil.
Fiction: Sci-Fi - Rated: K+ - English - Sci-Fi/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,010 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 5/23/2013 - Complete
Willful Amnesia reviews
Sometimes it feels good to not remember a thing.
Fiction: Mystery - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Spiritual - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,417 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 5/22/2013 - Complete