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Joined 07-14-01, id: 93326
I wrote a novel! Or, at least, I wrote 50,143 words of a story between November 1 and November 30. Now I'm back, with a couple of things to plug.

First: If you want a voice as to what ficage I write next, visit and vote:

Second: I'm in charge of the contest for "The Best InuYasha Fanfic of All Time Before Now". Go check out http:///group/iyfanguild and then join up and nominate fics! I want a great turnout so I don't have to hide my head in shame.

I'm a feedback junkie. I mean, a serious addict. Review, send me an email, tell me what you thought on an IM or IRC - these are the things that make me feel writing isn't a waste of time in a life jam packed with other hobbies and that pesky "adult reponsibilities" thing. I also accept donations of manga, anime, glittery objects, fanart... :D I tend to skew towards canon, and I tend to obsess over characterization.

Since said NC-17 stuff had to go, I dutifully removed the one lemon I had posted here. It's available at http:// (whenever she gets her site back up) or you can ask me for it directly. Just remember: Feed the authors.