Author has written 1 story for Fable. I just realized, this profile is blank. XD I don't like blank profiles! You can call me Kay. :D I'm a dirty blonde with blue/green eyes and very pale skin. (For someone who lives in a desert...) My hobbies include writing, reading, drawing, playing genetic games, Sims 3, Skyrim, and Harvest Moon. I'm normally shy, but can be very outgoing (and awesomely weird) around friends. Favorites: Animal: Barn Owl Color: Cornflower Blue Food: COOKIES!!! *v* Drink: Choc/Straw/Vanilla Milk Movie: V for Vendetta Animated Movie: Rise of the Guardians Book: Currently Ender's Game, but that very well may change Anime: Any anime with a white haired boy in it. I like white hair okay! I like reading/writing about romance, modern fantasy, classic fantasy, tragedy, and yaoi. (Yaoi = boy/boy pairings. Don't like it? That's fine. I won't push my opinions on you if you don't push yours onto me.) I have a Fanfiction account under the same name, so visit if you want. (I don't particularly advise it though, as I haven't done anything it in years...) That's all for now. Bye! |